
I was going to point out his house in Ypsi if you hadn’t covered it. This is one of my favorite things about this area, there is so much history around if you want to find it. 

Today i learned that Chef Boyardee makes “pizza”...

Was finally excited to see some SC love, only to see its a long hood conversion.

I was raised on hot pockets, my parents would buy in bulk from costco because I guzzled them down like some animal eating something delicious. Its probably been 15 years since i had one and i can still taste them. OG Pepperoni pizza.

the Lubs is an interesting take, I always think of it in “Foot Libs”.  Potato Potato i suppose...

The in-laws redid their kitchen when they bought a house a couple years ago. Black tile floor, Black granite counter tops. way too dark for me, and it always looks smudged/dirty.

Jalopnik really hurting for content these days or what? Whats next, the controversial topic of “should i use the right cup holder, or the left?”

For those of us in the back who missed the lecture on Lovecraftian...help?

Its more than just corporate profit mongering. The way they evaluate quality, for example, there is alot of short term thinking, quick cheap fixes for issues instead of expensive redesigns.

Bezos level on the ladder is where you start a space program because you ran out of cheese.

To be fair, a truck is very useful for Costco. Have you ever tried to fit a pallet of toilet paper in a 911?

It could be that those people used to do those activities alot. The sensation of mountain air rushing over the handlebars of their dual-suspension mountain bike was a daily occurrence. Camping, hiking and kayaking were weekend activities. Then they moved out east to a concrete jungle suburban wasteland because that’s

Ranger Gord you say???

Speed cameras would just be hilariously abused by local municipalities, don’t give them any ideas. 

Speeding anywhere near July 4th is asking for a ticket, especially on a popular route for big city folk fleeing up north for a long weekend. 

Canadian speed limits are hilariously low from a US perspective, and you all seem to drive around 70 mph anyway. I love your highway system though. Well maintained, excellent signage, and everyone has lane discipline!

Except for that one guy is always 2 inches from the bumper of the car in front of him whether they’re going 25 or 95. Its like the plot of Speed, if he ever drops back more than 2 inches his lifted truck will explode.

Thats gonna be so sharp you could stab someone with it!

My general philosophy is store it how it was stored at the store where i bought it. Peppers, carrots, broccoli go in the fridge, onions, potatoes, tomatoes go outside the fridge. This does not go over well either. 

I hate when you put tomatoes in the fridge and they come out grainy. My wife insists everything must live in the fridge.