
He knows his time is coming to an end, and accepts it just as quickly as the news is delivered to him.

I want to know all of those things, including whether the genome of the organisms I am eating were modified through artificial means.

Well it won’t cure cancer or fix global warming, so why bother, amiright?

I definitely want full disclosure on all pesticides used. An apple isn’t just an apple. An apple is an apple plus every pesticide sprayed on it. Corporations have decided that consumers are best left in the dark, and too many consumers are way too ok with that.
As far as GMO goes, I’d like to know if the soy used in a

Yes I want to know all of these things but you realize these political fights take a long time and require a lot of compromises? So the perfect becomes the enemy of the barely-good-enough.

The uninformed replies here are no surprise. Sad, really. I guess some people don’t want to know what they are about to ingest. That’s all GMO labeling is about FYI.

I’m so, so freaking tired of the ‘safer’ argument. Michael Pollan says it best, so I’ll let him say it. There are a ton of other issues surrounding GMOs, and you know what, labeling is not too much to ask.

This article is not credible...
It does not cite Dr. Mercola even once.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.

It cost $1 to make the hot dog you stole. I’d like $1 back.

What is pathetic is your belief that libel is an argument and that you get to rewrite the foundations of legal philosophy.

Guess Mighty Orbots was ahead of it’s time, it had three main female characters, and the human female was a strong character that wasn’t dependent on the male characters.

You can have another female character that is Black and Asian. Problem solved 😉

You do realize that Bill Clinton was one president who served two terms in the 1990s, correct? And that halfway through his first term Republicans took over the Congress? And literally never let it go since except for the first two years of Obama’s term? And that in the last 50 years there have been a total of four

Hillary = George Wallace. Ok, James. Ok.

She’s not claiming anything. Her campaign literally can’t keep that kind of money to itself even if it wanted to. And the intended recipients are not just the DNC. The money is also going to state parties as well which have their own donation caps.

This money is for down the ballot, you moron. Most of the funds go to other progressives in the race. Check it out yourself. Why would anyone not support that?!? You can’t have your little “revolution” without getting people elected down the ballot. Holy shitsticks.

A lot of Clinton supporters are quiet, to the point of silence (except with a ballot). We don’t want to offend Sanders supporters and don’t want to deal with the barrage of comments we would receive in certain places, so we stay quiet. Fortunately, there are more of us than there are Sanders voters. It just doesn’t

I know, as a kid I refused to watch anything unless it starred a white, blonde-haired boy. I mean, unless the character looks just like me, what’s the point?

Harry Potter you say? I’m not British, throw it in the fire! To Kill a Mockingbird? Yeah, that is about a GIRL so no point in reading that.

Firefly? Uh, I’m not

do you want the hot head, the dumb lovable goof, the smart lovable goof or the one that has to die to be subbed out for female of the exact same archetype?