
Thank you for posting this comment.

Now playing

A bit late, but here, make a copy of this classic!:

The funny thing is most people will buy what they torrented at one time because it was a good memory from their youth and they want the actual item. Or vice versa, say they owned the game and no longer have the system, but they want to play it once again for old times sake on an emulator on their computer.

Music, movies and games are entertainment (intangible property, IP in short). To me, it is like taking a picture of a street performer, and he later walk up to you asking for money.

So, let me get this straight: the director -who is a woman- describes her vision for the Amazon Warriors as female wish-fulfillment, and it still gets berated by internet commenters for somehow not being feminist enough?

Right, both Reeves and Routh looked like they could pass for a normal dude if you put a suit and glasses on them, but Caville’s Superman looks so bulky that he’s not convincing as a normal dweeb reporter at all.

Clearly you’ve never had to fight American Maid before.

No, the primary difference is that one fits our cultural ideal of masculinity and the other fits our cultural ideal of femininity.

Right. Who would ever fight with their legs exposed?

At least it looks like a wedge boot instead of actual heels? *shrugs*

If you’ve seen IV, you’ve essentially seen it.

Ironically, your handle is pretty apt right here. Comparing tangible items that have a component cost associated with their physical existence (e.g., a car) with intangible items that can be replicated/reproduced for no cost (e.g., software) is creating a false equivalency. As many people have pointed out before, if

“I would love a Ferrari, but you don’t see me busting down a show room window GTA style and taking one for a joyride.”

What if you could make a copy of the Ferrari for free?

I don’t endorse piracy, but your example isn’t exactly analogous to software piracy.


If you’re trying to argue that most of the people who pirated it would’ve bought it if they had no other option, I’m calling bullshit.

It was always a for-profit venture. Regardless of the the Axanar team is saying now. They took Kickstarter funds from a fan film and create a for-profit business. They used the funds to create Axanar Studios, which they plan to use as a full production house and film school. If they used the funds to simply create a

The makers of Axanar are paying themselves salaries from their crowdfunded movie and wanted to use the money to set up a future, for-profit studio for the creators, and they were doing it on the back of fans of an established, copyrighted franchise which CBS, who own the TV rights (and Paramount, who own the movie

Keep in mind CBS is going after them because Axanar is no longer a “non-profit” production, since they are paying themselves with Kickstarter money and planning on using funds to open their own production company.

If you’re a grown man, and you concern yourself with buying garments that have been worn by grown men who are not you, then you are a huge fucking nerd and you deserve whatever garbage you get tricked into buying.

There is currently no evidence that any creature down to about the complexity of crustaceans lacks the neurology necessary for consciousness, according to a consensus statement of leading researchers in the field - the Cambridge Declaration on Animal Consciousness.