
Us gay men are judged harshly by other gay men for not looking perfectly young, fit, and good looking. If you want to maintain your social standing as you age you really have to put in some effort. Mid-to-late 30s for gay men is “middle aged old man” to those in their early 20s and early 30s. I see 29 year old gay men

To be fair, none of this has been officially confirmed.

Somewhere a soccer mom is rushing to make space in the freezer for her pods. When the ladies come over after the kids are dropped off for school she’ll brag about how her coffee is superior and dangle this little secret over them.

Only if Tom Hiddleston plays Data.

“It’s irrelevant how the author made the character, this is MY interpretation of it!”

The only people upset for the most part are Americas that love to complain about everything (and have little to know understanding of how movie studios work) America is just a bunch of whiners.

I like how he puts it in reverse, like he’s going to back out of the water after he’s already floating. lol

The genetically modified crop isn’t necessarily the source of the concern. Say you make a crop resistant to pesticides, or herbicides, or whatever - then you go blasting your fields with chemicals to keep your crop growing gangbusters without concern of the crop suffering ill effects. Awesome, right? But the

Biblical flooding

I definitely did not like the first volume of N52 Wonder Woman, it went against what the character was about, but it still made sense and gave her something to fight for. They have got to get fresh hands working on this title.

Morrosion has written some great stuff, but a hyper-navel-gazing Brit-super-arty white dude who has been wealthy and idolized this long is bound to reveal some creepy ideas when milked hard enough for content.

Morrison has always failed at writing female characters—this is nothing new. Look at the travesty he pulled writing characters like Talia Al Ghul, Lois Lane, his own original creations like Danny the Street and so many other women he’s taken pen to over the years, like.

Wouldn’t Wonder Women calling a bunch of soldiers “girls” meant to be ironic? I don’t think it undermines anything, it’s just cliche as fuck. That is it’s worst offense.

We see Wonder Woman in a room fighting a group of soldiers, throwing a slow motion spin kick. She deflects a bullet off her forearms and it kills three soldiers in one shot.

Nah. Just tired of the media frenzy, the righteous indignation, and the common denominator: Stupid kids being stupid.

You think women can be superheroes!

Start with a bowl of automatically believe victim before evidence and trial.

Because there aren’t women out there making false claims and ruining other people’s lives?

It’s [current year], feminism, and stuff. A lot of victims don’t want to “relive” the events in court, and many of them never come forward. The victim in this case seems to not have too much trouble putting it all out there, she shouldn’t have any reason not to prosecute. Heck, she could probably take him to civil

I applaud your bravery in saying you’re a fan of Man of Steel out loud. That took guts.