
It cost $1 to make the hot dog you stole. I’d like $1 back.

What is pathetic is your belief that libel is an argument and that you get to rewrite the foundations of legal philosophy.

You do realize that Bill Clinton was one president who served two terms in the 1990s, correct? And that halfway through his first term Republicans took over the Congress? And literally never let it go since except for the first two years of Obama’s term? And that in the last 50 years there have been a total of four

Hillary = George Wallace. Ok, James. Ok.

She’s not claiming anything. Her campaign literally can’t keep that kind of money to itself even if it wanted to. And the intended recipients are not just the DNC. The money is also going to state parties as well which have their own donation caps.

This money is for down the ballot, you moron. Most of the funds go to other progressives in the race. Check it out yourself. Why would anyone not support that?!? You can’t have your little “revolution” without getting people elected down the ballot. Holy shitsticks.

A lot of Clinton supporters are quiet, to the point of silence (except with a ballot). We don’t want to offend Sanders supporters and don’t want to deal with the barrage of comments we would receive in certain places, so we stay quiet. Fortunately, there are more of us than there are Sanders voters. It just doesn’t

Bernie supporters are the liberal version of Trump supporters. I can say that because I am one. We’re sick of the establishment & someone like him is extremely refreshing compared to business-as-usual candidates. That being said, I’m already sick of my fellow supporters thinking he’ll magically get everything he wants

Right. I agree. This is all very foolish. The other progressive candidates, the people this fundraiser is actually for, will need this money to help win their races. Christ on a cracker. What the fuck is going on here with this nonsense? Are we really wanting a President Trump for more clicks? Because this kind of

Also, money is not inherently bad. It’s part of how the system works. Sometimes it corrupts, but not *always*. Congress got even worse when earmarks went away, because negotiation got that much more difficult. Money can also help a lot of people.

Sanders really is showing to be a huge fucking asshole isn’t he? Typical white guy is what I say. Stomping his feet when he doesn’t get his way.

Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.

Thank you. This entire slant is fucking idiotic.

Reality doesn’t seem to matter to a lot of Sanders supporters. Not all, of course, but many.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

“How moral or ethical is it to release a game that’s half finished?”

Your argument doesn’t stand. Theft is not defined to “physical objects” only.

Yeah, just like the penalty for murder is different from grand theft.

1. Your own analogy with Spain and airplanes is pretty weak.
2. People outside of first world nations also pirate video games. Because they cannot afford them.
3. By broadly painting everyone who doesn’t conform to your personal morality “entitled assholes”, you are being an “entitled asshole”.

It is no different than stealing anything else your broke ass can’t afford.