
I can’t wait till you start going grey and need reading glasses. Your head is going to explode. Should be aaaaaany day now...

Good lord these are places I wouldn’t even want to be buried in, let alone LIVE. Tennessee? Virginia? Florida? Iowa? Texas? Oh HELL no.

You’ve got an Asian Elektra. Damn, isn’t that enough for you???

If it’s not on the east or west coast it doesn’t exist. You should understand this by now.

The Moto X Pure does not have an official Motorola stock ROM that you can flash back to. There is a custom ROM that someone created that gets close, but it’s not the real deal. Not only was I unsuccessful in getting mine rooted, but I can’t get the bootloader locked again nor revert to the stock ROM because there is

True, they do give her her moment in the spotlight. But there’s no way they would ever let her upstage Superman.

I thought the exact same thing — why risk your own life by using the spear when there is an equally-capable warrior who can use it for you? But this of course, while logical, presents us with two “problems” — it makes Wonder Woman the hero of the scene instead of Superman (and we can’t have that), and it leaves

Not necessarily. Rape, by definition, is non-consensual sex. There are many instances of rape that do not include physical violence or assault.

See, the problem with that is here in America you’re innocent until PROVEN guilty. People lie. All the time in fact. This is why our judicial system relies upon proof and evidence that a crime has been committed before someone is found guilty. It’s unfortunate that rape is difficult to prove, but these are the

This. People lie. Every day. All the time. This is why we require proof of a crime, and not just someone’s word.

It’s unfortunate that rape is difficult to prove. But this doesn’t mean we should lower our judicial standards.

They’ve been remastered and are available on Blu-Ray.

Oh what FUN!

Call me when the PC port isn’t a sloppy mess and it’s available on Steam. For 75% off.

So you’ll play Diablo 3 on your PC but not Marvel Heroes? That makes no sense.

That’s why they have a bazillion costumes and visual effects you can apply. Superheroes aren’t really known for changing their appearances via gear.

Aw man... don’t be a hayter!


Pretty much every single video game has at least one set of abnormally large tits in it. Some even feature realistic tit physics.

GMO cotton is used for cottonseed oil, and yes, we’ve noticed. And yeah, when was the last time you chowed down on a pair of jeans? And when you do, do you eat the label or remove it first?

But smoking tobacco is good for you! And there wasn’t a single shred of scientific evidence to prove otherwise, despite everyone knowing for decades it gave you cancer. Until of course there was. And now we know better.

Warning labels on tobacco products don’t make them safer either. But we put them there anyway.

Pish... melted Velveeta is all you’ll ever need.