
Ummm. Wut? They did all the hard work of mixing all the ingredients. All that time and effort and then they decided to skip the baking? They could preheat while they are mixing. I don’t...get this...

Actually it wiped out TWO of the worst entries into the franchise. We not only lost Last Stand, but we also lost X-Men Origins, paving the way for a universe where Wade Wilson didn’t have his mouth sewn shut.

Actually, I think most people saw the ending of the movie as great, since it erased one of the worst entries of the X-Men franchise and instead gave the entire thing a happy ending, which is dearly needed.

And everyone breathed a sigh of relief that X-Men 3 never happened and Cyclops never died completely off-screen and the Juggernaut wasn’t stupidly spouting memes and Wolverine didn’t have magic pants and Brett Ratner instead faded into obscurity...

It’s not perfect, but the game is as easy now to get into as it has ever been. It’s still a bit of a grind if you want to upgrade equipment to pull any sort of serious DPS numbers, but nowhere near as bad as it was before. Plus there are so many options for gear now that different build types are much more viable than

I give credit to the devs trying to stay true to the Trek universes. However, it might behoove them to hire game designers who have had a successful history of designing fun game play. Most people think it’s easy to design a fun game, but fun (being relative, to boot) is actually one of the hardest aspects of game

I’m finding the surging trend of games whose only purpose seems to be collecting infinite paygated* content, to be profoundly depressing and anti-fun. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is just as guilty at that...there’s practically nothing to the game outside slowly collecting new heroes who play more or less exactly like

I remember what someone once wrote, that Superman’s costume should be the brightest thing on the comics page (and, by extension, the screen). It needs to draw the eye, because the Superman costume is designed as a flag to inspire hope.

See, if Wonder Woman entered the world during World War II, she would see a villain who needed to be stopped, and instantly join in the battle. It would be a noble fight, one that she would enter willingly and instantly, no emotional conflict necessary.

Rob, I love your observation and it has great potential. But I don’t believe for a second Zach Snyder picked WWI for that reason, nor do I think he intends to show that distinction. Snyder doesn’t do “depth” in his movies. WWI was simply the picked so that it looks less like Captain America and its WWII. Watch, the

Let’s not delude ourselves. The only reason this is set during WWI is to differentiate from Captain America. If you really think there was a meticulous deliberation at WB/DC over reframing the origin setting in order to better nuance the character, I have a bridge to sell you.

What is it with those awful looking Michelin Man ribbed puff jackets? It’s like an invasion of the caterpillar people around here.

What is it with those awful looking Michelin Man ribbed puff jackets? It’s like an invasion of the caterpillar

I’d like to know more about how they were forced to buy the intellectual property in the first place.

TRUE. That is factually true.

TRUE. That is factually true.

Farmed salmon is an environmental disaster. We should not farm carnivores as a food source. The amount of pounds of other species needed to be caught and processed to make the food pellets is crazy. The over filled small pens are heavens for disease which transmit to wild stock as they are right in the middle of

All farmed salmon is Atlantic. For whatever reason the species took better to being farmed than the pacific species. Accordingly atlantic is farmed in the PNW and sometimes they escape wild. Any of these caught are require to be reported. Farmed Salmon is an environmental disaster. The companies are all Norwegian and

Most farmed salmon is awful for the environment, especially the Atlantic you’re going to find in a super market, that are often grown in ‘net pens’ in places like Chile.

Standards of taste are relative and subjective— to me it tastes like grain-fed, low-omega-3, artificially dyed environmental clusterfuck.

Farmed Salmon have a completely different taste too as compared to their wild counterparts. Where one can find and afford it, I usually recommend wild over farm.