
She’s not QUITE that bland. At least Phasma has a rank she’s implied to have earned, and gets more than two lines of dialog.

I don’t know why you’re so upset at the prospect of people seeing a longer version of a movie you like.

Poe got clear of the crash and set off in the wrong direction. By the time he met up with someone who set him in the right direction and got to the village were Finn met up with Rey and BB-8, the place was a pile of smoking corpses courtesy of the First Order.

But why would a Stormtrooper janitor be deployed to combat?? And then why would his superiors be surprised when said Stormtrooper janitor didn’t perform very well??

Don’t kid yourself the movie is a mess editiing and story wise. There are a ton of scenes that make no sense, where characters are behaving in a way that they shouldn’t. Sure the movie is better then the prequels but it is still a long way from being as well made as the original trilogy.

“It can be an alternative to using pesticides to the food supply,”

It absolutely does relate to the health and safety of the food! There is overwhelming documentation of the dangers of consuming GMOs on humans and animals of one would only stop believing the agenda of the big corporation and look for themselves.

Give me a logical, evidence backed reason why you should have a label on your jeans saying what the fabric is and where they were made.

Since when does hybridization = GMO?

Cue the pro GMO shills, that accuse anyone that questioning this as hating science.....

Manufacturers aren’t concerned with scientific reality - only with sales.

Whether something is GMO or non-GMO has nothing to do with it’s health and/or safety.

If you start your car and its not immediately apparent they put a lower grade gas in, your car doesn’t need a high octane gas.

How many trips over, say, 400 miles each way (that’s almost 7 hours of driving, even if you manage 60 mph) does the average person take per year? Unless you’re a college student going to school out of state, probably not too many. Most people just don’t drive those distances that often. For people that do, an EV like

Whats the deal with you tree hugging liberals? What difference does it make if you drive to the gas station or if the gas station drives to you? Its the same miles driven, and probably comparable amount of gas burned and emissions out a tailpipe.

Eat less refined sugar. There’s a shocker. Maybe the food industry can stop adding refined sugars to products that really don’t need it.

Everything about this is stupid. I’m a vegetarian. I was a vegan for 7 years.

The cholesterol limit was not “mysteriously dropped.” 30 years of scientific research have proven that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on your bodies total cholesterol. Eating eggs does not lead to an increase in heart disease or

“Deregulation” is a dirty word ‘round here. It’s almost like you think we should live in a market where consumers choose things like which companies succeed or fail based on the merits of their goods and services. We can’t have that, can we?

Just took an Uber around the block for no reason other than this comment.

You seem like a nice guy who is able to coherently make an argument.