
And that’s the time I watched a group of 8 people spread grape jelly all over two pizzas and happily eat them.

I am looking to hire cooks and waitstaff for my newest restaurant - Punchie’s This Is How We Serve It.

I read every one of these - and there were definitely some gems - but I just flat-out can’t get over putting jelly on pizza, let alone asking for it like it’s not completely insane.

‘You’ll find out in 100 years.’ Instead, it was 50. I know he left a message for us five kids.”

“My dad wrote a letter and paid [the crew that built it] $3 to put it in the capsule,” one local Bay City resident told MLive. “I asked him what he put in it, but he said, ‘You’ll find out in 100 years.’ Instead, it was 50. I know he left a message for us five kids.”

Let’s face it. Assholes are everywhere...

Just the same thing as always: the average person is ignorant beyond imagination and is only busy fulfilling his/her selfish needs without any second thoughts, avoid caring of any consequences.

I’m so disgusted with this woman. She just won’t stop pissing on people’s rights and does deserve to go back to jail for violating the court orders. Kentucky needs to remove this woman from office and replace her with someone who will do their job.

That’s for sure. If you buy a car, any car, hoping to make money on it you’re doing it wrong. By all means, buy the classic car of your dreams. But do it because you love the car, not because it makes financial sense.

So maybe the content companies should offer him a way to do what he wants to do legally.

He started the movie on netflix, and netflix paid the content provider for it, so what difference does it make how the movie was actually tranferred, as long as the right people got paid?

“I’m unwilling to compete so I’ll just pretend my customers are idiots instead.”

Sure. There are dozens of things to sue the Sperm Bank for that don’t involve telling you daughter that her skin color is making your life hell.

‘I don’t wanna raise a negro child! Don’t you know how shitty their lives are?!’-horrible white person who sued a sperm bank over a healthy child

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.

I can only hope this racist bitch doesn’t make her child feel less than for having *gasp* BROWN SKIN!!!!

Pre crisis in the late 1970’s early 1980’s.

*single tear*

Thank you for this. So much.

One thing I love about the DC art from that era is how clean it all was. I didn’t appreciate it as much at the time, but in retrospect — or maybe after years of crosshatched, pouch-overload artwork — it sure is visually refreshing.