
You mean the hotdog I made in my Star Trek-like replicator? How can I steal your hot dog when you still have it and I ate a duplicate I made at home?

It doesn’t matter what it costs to make a piece of software, or a movie, or a music track. It’s the creator’s job to convince me it’s worth paying for. If you can’t do

He’s just pissed that Hillary got to hang with Clooney while all he got was a sparrow.

“And I’ll suck the head”. Wait, that’s not right...

The lion Voltron was BAAAAAAAD. The vehicle Voltron was actually pretty darned good.

I think you and I are the only two people on the planet who remember the far superior Orbots.

But but but... there are no Black or Asian characters either! Oh... how will little Black and Asian children relate???

Yep. You can start your faux-outrage campaign any time now.

I loved vehicle Voltron! I always thought it was far better than the lions.

Can I release my faux-outrage about the characters being all white males, or should I hold onto it until it’s broadcast?

No POC. No females. No Asians... I dunno, my faux-outrage is reaching critical mass, I dunno if I can hold all this faux-outrage back until June!

A number of the ones shown here have been colorized.

She was at Trekonderoga last year. A very charming lady I must say.

It looks like a composite photo to me. And a number of these photos look colorized.

EDIT: nope, just colorized

Untrue and irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if there is 1 copy or a million copies, the value of the source does not change. Creating an additional copy of a digital item has absolutely zero impact upon the original. I mean, this is pretty basic stuff. If you can’t grasp this you really should just move on.

If I create a

Unfortunately for your argument (or really, lack thereof), that’s EXACTLY what theft is defined as.

Let’s head to the dictionary!

Per Merriam-Webster:

a : the act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it

Anecdotal evidence is not proof. Correlation does not equal causation. Clearly you don’t get it.

you are taking something you are not entitled to”

Says who? Now if you mean “you are taking something you haven’t paid for” that might be the basis for a discussion. For which I would answer “but a digital copy has no value, it is not a physical item, and therefore cannot be ‘taken’ from anyone”. But who is the

You’d think a software engineer would understand that making a digital copy costs nothing. With such a lack of understanding of these things I’m surprised you’re working at all.

You cannot debate that which you don’t understand. Every single time you try and compare a digital copy to a physical item or refer to copyright infringement as “stealing” you only prove you are not fit to debate the issue because you do not understand the issue.

Your “debate” is essentially “blah blah blah it’s

Equating a physical object or service with a copy of digital file only proves you deserve nothing, since you don’t understand the issue and as such your opinions are worthless.

If you’re poor, and you download a game that you’d never be able to buy, there is zero loss to the publisher/developer. If you’re poor,

Your assumptions that making a digital copy is stealing is what’s inane. You can’t steal something that doesn’t exist. A digital copy is not a physical item. Stealing means you take something. Copying means you create a duplicate. How can you even attempt to have a rational adult discussion on the issue if you don’t