
Yes, actually there are. Any one in which you can get a working download is “free”.

So, if you’re too poor to buy the game then exactly what harm is there in playing it? What loss is there to the game developer or publisher since it’s not something you ever would have bought?

Being poor sucks. Trying to find ways to make being poor tolerable is not “entitlement”. It’s “survival”.

And yet it can be all of the above, or any number of other reasons. It’s not black and white, and assuming that everyone who illegally downloads a game can afford to buy it but chooses not to is simply ridiculous, and numerous studies have actually proven this is typically not the case.

Yup. Because if you’re poor you should be sitting in a dark room staring at a blank white wall to punish you for being poor. No entertainment for you, you dirty filthy poor person!

Well, y’see, it IS actually completely different than stealing. A plane ride has a cost. A copy of a digital file has none. You cannot compare the taking of a tangible good or service versus the copying of a digital file. They are completely different things.

If you steal a physical item, there is an associated loss

The dissenting doctors seem to forget that many people simply do not have thousands of dollars lying around to have dental work done. It’s not covered by medical insurance, and dental insurance is at worst a scam and at best only pays for a fraction of the total cost (and won’t cover anything cosmetic).

So what’s the

Well a lot of Wonder Womans are missing. Cathy Lee Crosby, Rosario Dawson, Michelle Monaghan, Mary McDonald-Lewis, Grey Griffin, and Lucy Lawless. And I believe Mona Marshall is supposed to be Vanessa Marshall.

All you naysayers seem to forget that they are on an isolated island. There is nothing for them to fight, and no good reason for them to be in full battle armor. What we’re seeing is essentially *training* armor.

Yeah, that’s the way it *should* be, but I think the idea behind this image is that this is a younger Diana who is surrounded by her mother and aunts who are training her. If so, that would explain why she is less armored than the others. One is queen, the other two are military leaders, and she is simply a young

Sooo... they only questioned his mental status AFTER he shoots someone with what is presumed to be a legally-obtained handgun.

He should be the NRA’s new poster child. “See, even if you’re delusional and bipolar we’re still going to ensure you can buy a gun!”

No, he wouldn’t vanish because time is linear. Once he’s in the past, he’s there for good, no matter what happens in the future. Think of it this way: you can change the future by changing the past, but you can’t change the past by changing the future.

It’s because they’re using the funds to pay themselves salaries (something no other fan production does) and to lease a studio they’ve admitted they plan on using for future profit-making endeavors.

CBS/Paramount have one mantra when it comes to fan films using the Star Trek IP — don’t make any money. No financial

And yet humankind is still not going extinct, despite such a claim that is clearly not the norm.

And yet she’s ultimately more faithful to the comic book character than Netlflix’s Asian Elektra.

THIS. There was no way for the guy to move into the right lane to let the tailgater pass. Asshole got what he deserved.

You’d be surprised how many people still think of AIDS as a gay disease, or that we’re somehow responsible for it.

Oh I agree with everything you just said. I do not have HIV and have no intention of contracting it. I’m just sick of the way HIV research always seems to take a backseat to other diseases because of the continued perception that “oh, it’s that gay disease, the one that no one dies from anymore anyway”.

Yes, I

Oh, so you didn’t say:

Yes, it absolutely sucks that HIV/AIDS isn’t as easy as the Flu to vaccinate for or cure...


I’m sorry that all of humanity has to deal with the risk of HIV/AIDS...

Which amounts to “Yeah, we get it, AIDS sucks, and I’m sorry it sucks, but get over it”.

You realize your entire rant only serves to prove my point. “Oh it’s just HIV, yeah, it suck, but get over it cause we have babies to save...”


Well the answer is simple. Wrap it up. Use a condom every time you have sex and you won’t have to worry about zika, because the mosquitoes that transmit it don’t exist in the US, and currently the only way to contract it here would be to have sex with someone who is infected with it. No glove, no love.

And if you’re