
Two things wrong with your argument. One, HIV kills people. As in dead. As in no future generation for you because you’re, well, dead. And before you try to play the “but gay men can’t have children” card I’ll remind you that they can (adoption, surrogacy, previous or concurrent relationship with a woman). 70 million

And the President wants $1.8 billion to spend on zika, which isn’t even an issue in the US as of yet. The CDC is on “high alert” and diverting funds and resources from other viral research (golly... I wonder which...) to zika. And the WHO declared it to be a global health emergency. All on a virus that maybe causes

I dunno, maybe if they had 4 labs of experts working around the clock to solve the mystery like they do for zika they might just find the solution.

But I’m sure one of the drug companies making HIV medication will someday find a cure and/or vaccine so that no one will have to buy their medications again... oh, wait...


A team of experts in four labs working round the clock to solve it? Ummm, I don’t think so. Like I said, priorities.

No worries. I’m sure Monsanto will save us.

Only when I’m trying not to infect my pregnant girlfriend with zika.

Hmm... a virus is discovered that causes severe birth defects and the medical community mobilizes like it’s the second coming of the plague.

But when a virus is discovered that kills gay men... 35 years later and still no vaccine or cure. #priorities

No. Consider it payback for every shitty movie I had to pay to watch in my lifetime.

This completely underscores the beauty in movie simplicity. And shows why movie sequels that add in a ton of new characters are almost always inferior to the first.


For all the movie and TV execs that repeatedly say that strong females don’t work, here we have a show that has a kick-ass female lead and two kick-ass female antagonists. Not only that, but pretty much all the men on the show are either loveably goofy, imbecilic, or bad guys.

Bring on season 3!

This is such total bullshit. But I expect nothing less from Jezebel.

Kesha is a grown woman who entered into a contract. She now has to fulfill that contract. She is not some poor immigrant/minority homeless woman that the system failed. She’s a privileged white multi-millionaire who is crying rape because she wants

They add up pretty quickly actually. And they give them out as login rewards, so make sure you log in every day.

IIRC they drop on average every 5-8 minutes of game play. And there are potions that will boost the number that are dropped (but not the frequency). Characters range from 200-600 splinters (the majority are

Turn the graphics settings all the way down and then slowly ramp things up one by one until you find the setting (or combination of settings) that tank your frame rate.

Most characters are under $10. Some as low as $3.75. If you wait for one of their frequent BOGO sales you get 2 for the price of one.

Always wait for a sale. Or use in-game currency to buy stuff.

It’s funny, because I’m so much more willing to spend money in MH simply because I don’t feel as though I’m being nickled and dimed to death or that I’m forced to grind for weeks on end, have to work for freebies, or have my progress time gated — all tricks that other F2P games use to pad their numbers.

I’ve been a

You’d think, but not in this game. You can play just about every hero to level 10, and then pick one to unlock to level 60. They give away a number of free team-ups as daily login loot, story rewards, or holiday events. Same with pets. Pretty much the only thing they don’t outright give you are costumes, which are

I do. And I’m loving it. I wait for a BOGO sale, buy $20 worth of credit and I come away with at least 4 items — characters, team ups, or costumes.

And the game is fun to play. Easy to hop on, play for 20 minutes and split. And with their massive roster and the ability to play just about every hero to level 10 for

As is usual, save your time and energy reading the article or watching the video and just go buy the most expensive model from the most popular brand. 9/10 times it’s the winner. Because everyone needs a $250 pot, er saucier.

If I added up the cost of every single pot and pan I own I don’t think it comes to $250, yet I

My guess would be IV antibiotics. This way you bypass the GI tract. Not something you can easily do in the wild.