
If you have time to drive to a restaurant, order something, and either eat it there or schlep it home then you have the time to make something in your own kitchen.

Even if you take 10 mins to hit a drive thru on your way home you can easily throw something together. You just have to want to do it. And the numbers seem

Wow, looks like good ole Rafael got a nose job at some point. Still looks like a creepy asshole.

The top 3 GMOs produced in the US are corn, soybeans, and cotton. The rest are a tiny percentage compared to the big three. Cotton is used for cottonseed oil, not really a food staple, so no point in bringing that up. And soybeans are much like corn and cotton — the largest use is in animal feed with a secondary use

All you’re doing is showing your own ignorance. But sure, keep talking. You’re doing my work for me.

I tried a number of times to get into it and just couldn’t. Not bad per se, but just not good enough for me to want to devote 40 minutes every week to watching. Granted I came into it late, probably season 5 or later. Maybe if I had started at the beginning it would have been different.

Jesus Christ, are you still talking???

Well, I simply cannot argue with such “facts”. Believe whatever nonsense you want. The truth will rear it’s ugly head soon enough.

And btw, smoking tobacco is good for you and thalidomide is a great nerve tonic for pregnant women. And gosh golly, it’s amazing what a little radium can do in your moisturizer! Makes you

Correlation does not equal causation. Or did you miss the part about how farming has become more efficient due to mechanical technology, not GMOs? And what do you think neonicotinoids are sprayed on? The main crop is GM soybeans.

And I have no idea how you draw the conclusion that because they’re using less land

Well when you get right down to brass tacks she’s engaging in revenge porn, so I imagine that she gets quite a bit of flak. Or at least should.

Hunter Moore would be proud of her for carrying on his legacy. Interesting that she’s considered some kind of feminist hero while he was reviled for essentially doing the same

So she’s basically engaging in revenge porn. How quaint.

Ummm... Apple has built their entire empire on copying from other people, starting waaaaay back with Xerox PARC.

There is virtually NOTHING that Apple has created on their own. They have either outright copied/stolen from other companies or bought tech from competitors to incorporate. All they do; everything they’ve

Well I’m actually hoping the end of subsidies actually drives down the cost of phones to a more realistic and less-inflated cost, tho I admit I’m not holding my breath.

There is no reason other than price gouging that a mid-to-high end smartphone with a 6" screen costs $850 while a mid-to-high end 7" tablet costs under

Until we see the ecological impact of ever-increasing usage of various GMO-oriented pesticides over the next 20-30 years I don’t think anyone can call GMOs “environmentally friendly”. I mean, there’s a reason why 70+ countries around the world either heavily regulate or outright ban GM crops and/or the pesticides

Considering most of our GM corn is used for animal feed or biofuel I believe your entire hypothesis to be absolutely false.

Absolute bullshit. Most of the corn we grow here in the US is used either for biofuel or animal feed, not human consumption.

GMO crops are being either rapidly banned or heavily regulated in countries all around the world. Hell, even China won’t take our GM crops.

There is no shortage of food around the world, and that

80-85% of my utility bill (gas and electric) is delivery fees, surcharges, and taxes. My bills are typically $300 every 2 months, of which maybe $40 is actual gas and electric usage.

Even if I turned off the heat and left nothing but the fridge plugged in my bill would still be $105 a month, $5 of which would be usage

Ugh... just ugh. Both of them look HORRIBLE. What the hell is wrong with DC and Warner’s these days???

Short of some kind of affirmative-action program I really don’t understand what else could be done. Are we really going to start forcing studios to hire people based solely on their skin color and not their talent? Are we really going to push the Academy to bring in people based upon their skin color and not because

I wish this was used on the Google Now weather card. So much easier than having to type in weather or talk to the phone.

EDIT: apparently if you tap the Google Now weather card this will come up, so I guess that’s not too bad.

And I work with a fan production that uses a billion-dollar IP and trust me when I tell you they have complete control and are not ever going to give a drop of that up. It’s certainly not a reactive stance. It’s “we own this shit, and we’re going to be kind enough to let you use it, so don’t do anything to piss us off