
I really don’t know how to explain it to you any better than I already have. They have total control. They allow blatant infringement projects like this to exist solely to please the fans. They will never do anything that is going to relinquish the total control they already have, which is absolute.

They don’t

No, not really. The way it is now they are totally in control. There is no way to have more control, because they already have it all. They allow you to exist one minute, and the next issue a cease and desist and you’re done. Game over. You have no leg to stand on because you now, and always have been, violating their

Because then they ultimately lose control of their property. If they don’t set down any guidelines or rules and just tell you “we don’t see anything wrong with what you’re doing... yet...” then they retain all control and have the ability to shut you down whenever they like, and you literally have no legs to stand on

Funny, I feel the same way about Star Trek Online these days. I have no trouble dumping cash in GW2 or Marvel Heroes, but giving a dime to Cryptic and PWE just rubs me the wrong way. I simply do not like the direction the game is heading. It used to be fun and adventurous, now it’s all grindy and carrot-on-a-stick for

You definitely need a waffle maker with an expanding hinge. Mine doesn’t have one. Makes doing stuff like this really difficult.

Diana purposefully killed a human once, and that was Maxwell Lord. And her grief from doing so was a recurring theme in her book for the better part of a year.

Killing humans and killing demons/monsters are not the same thing.

Wonder Woman doesn’t kill. You’re thinking of Zack Snyder’s Superman.

Since the New 52. She’s never been the same since. As far as I’m concerned Wonder Woman died in 2011, cause the character they’re publishing now isn’t anything like the real Wonder Woman.

WW was an ambassador of peace, not war. She never relished violence. She only used it as a last resort. Until the New 52, that is,

The inclusion of LGBT characters does not necessitate having a story that revolves around them being gay. Just like having Uhura on the bridge never required a story about her being Black. She just was — you didn’t have to do an entire plotline about how or why there was an African-American woman on the bridge.

Gerrold’s script was reworked and made into a 2-part episode by Star Trek New Voyages called “Blood and Fire”. Check it out on YouTube. I think you’ll enjoy it.

Dammit James, it’s a SECRET! If Marvel wanted everyone to know what it was about they would have just called it “Wars”.

Apparently men never get cold.

Apparently men never get cold.

I had the same belief until my hygienist told me that flossing before you brush can push the plaque up into your gums, which is not what you want.

So now I brush first to remove as much plaque and debris as possible, then floss to get whatever brushing missed, and then mouthwash as a finisher.

And let me tell you, since

And I’m supposed to know that how? How am I supposed to know how military forces are conducted a long time ago in a galaxy far far away? Clearly Finn was not suited to be a soldier by his own admission and that of Phasma, which is why I assume he was put on sanitation detail. So why then was he taken off, given a

I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was supposed to do RESEARCH after seeing a movie so that I could somewhat make sense of the gaping plot holes. Heaven forbid they actually include relevant information and backstory in the script so it makes sense while I’m actually watching it.

Yeah, like why a guy who works as a janitor is given a weapon and taken to a remote village on a remote dustball of a planet in search of the most important bit of intelligence in decades. You’d think they’d have trained dedicated soldiers for that. You’d think.

I spend my nights staring at the ceiling, using my

I call bullshit. There is no way Disney is going to pass up the chance to milk the DVD/Blu-Ray market with the standard edition followed by the extended edition 3 months later followed by the director’s cut 3 months after that and then finally the extended director’s cut that’s released just prior to the next movie.

They just need to stop digitally airbrushing Calista Flockhart’s face in every closeup. It just looks weird.

Price of dairy products to skyrocket in 3...2...1...

Unfortunately CBS/Paramount never really makes that line clear. Their attitude is “do your thing and we’ll let you know if we have a problem with it”. Since they set no guidelines for anyone it gives them the freedom to go after any production they don’t like, for any reason.

In this case it’s likely a combination of