
They’ve gone MUCH further than Phase 2. Phase 2 doesn’t tout itself as a professional Hollywood-quality production, doesn’t pay salaries to anyone, and certainly has never raised over $1 million to make episodes.

Actually, yes. You pretty much nailed it right on the head. Axanar crossed the line — touting themselves as a high quality professional production and not a “fan film” (statements Mr. Peters has been quickly backpeddling on since the suit), raising vast amounts of money and paying people on-going salaries (including

So basically, if you’re a gay man you still can’t give blood. I don’t see any difference here.

I can be in a long-term committed relationship for the past 20 years, but have sex with my husband, and so sorry, your blood is tainted and not wanted by us, even if there is a desperate shortage and you have a rare blood

Even more baffling than why someone would post your pictures is why you would write a completely inane article about it that I gave up trying to read by paragraph 5.

So wait, when they cast a white character with a Black man or Asian woman, it’s all “diversity” and “the part should go to the best actor”.

But when an ethnic character is cast with a white actor the Internet loses it’s mind and screams bloody murder. Maybe they were simply the best actors for the part? Y’know, for

Oh you wacky heterosexuals and your sanctity of marriage.

But tell me again how gay marriage is going to destroy this sacred, venerable institution you hets go thru like socks.

I would rather gouge my eyes out with a wooden spoon before I move to the midwest. Hell, I break out in hives whenever I cross the Mason-Dixon line.

Unless you can afford to rent at the top end of the rental property spectrum, renting sucks. You spend a shitload of money on a substandard living space that your landlord would NEVER him(or her)self would EVER live in.

The problem for most people is that they go from a small apartment to a huge house and then get

You forgot to include that both heartburn and support for an asshole also come included with this deal at no extra charge.

You forgot to include that both heartburn and support for an asshole also come included with this deal at no extra

Translation: we *could* do it as one game, but if we do it as 3 we make 3x the money.

Please. Do they really think we’re that stupid?

And this is why I don’t believe scientists when they say all these additives, chemicals, and GMOs in our food are perfectly safe. History has shown us that 90% of the time they have no fucking clue.

Gay male performers who are tops are also fairly low risk in comparison to females and gay male bottoms.

Actually, the DNA tests they use for HIV are incredibly accurate, so much so that they often turn up false positives.

If you’re looking for fair and unbiased treatment of men you’ve come to the wrong site.

You should be deeply uncomfortable with what’s going on. A man has been accused via a snarky passive-aggressive tweet (no formal accusation, no police report, no investigation) and has already been declared guilty by every

Hmmm. So you break up with the guy over a year ago and now you just decide it’s time to report your rape via a matter-of-fact passive-aggressive tweet. Uh-huh.

Money. Ads. Lack of viewing options. Mostly crappy TV content.

Well if you’re going to make Steed black you might as well make Mrs. Peel black too. I hear Beyonce is free.

Yes, but you presume that person would be willing to pay money for the Pinto, and then be offered it for free. Of course in that situation they’re going to take it because they already determined it had value and were willing to buy it. But if they wouldn’t have paid anything for it in the first place, and then you

The point was that your hypothetical situation relies upon all content being treated equally to be valid. But we don’t treat all content equally, which makes it extremely unrealistic. It’s not the site that’s important, it’s the content. Access to everything a site offers isn’t useful if there is little to nothing of

Yes, but the problem with this oversimplification is that it doesn’t reflect reality, because within whatever construct you’re paying there is always a diversity of content, much of which you have no interest in and really does have $0 value and only a small amount that actually interests you.