
Well this really is a somewhat ridiculous hypothetical, but if such a thing happened I probably would pay the penny for lifetime access to everything that YouTube has ever and will ever produce.

But what you don’t get is that value is entirely subjective. If you don’t believe something is worth paying even a penny for, then it’s value is $0 to you. Just because someone else puts a price tag on it doesn’t mean that everyone has to believe that’s what it’s worth.

Bottom line, when it comes to consumables you

The consumer will always find a way to subvert advertising. It started with being able to change the channel or page, hit fast forward on the VCR, to the 30 sec skip on the DVR, to today’s ad blockers.

The harder companies try to shove ads down our throats the harder the people will fight back to be rid of them.

And I wanted you to understand why so many people are using ad blockers and aren’t afraid to say so. It’s a direct response to the overuse of invasive and pervasive advertising.

It’s because you don’t understand the concept of “valuation”, which I suggested to read up on. In a society so entrenched in money, people will gladly consume anything that’s free. But ask for a payment of as little as a dollar (or even less) and suddenly the masses are no longer interested. It’s not that they don’t

Not sure what other kind of response you’re looking for. Look up the concept of “valuation”. IMO most content online and on TV isn’t worth paying for. That doesn’t mean I won’t consume it. It just means it has $0 value to me, and that I wouldn’t miss it if it went away or was no longer free.

Actually, if you read my original post I didn’t “boast loudly” about it, I just happened to mention that I use an ad blocker and why — AFTER I stated there are better ways to support YouTubers that you like.

Websites and ad agencies only have themselves to blame. If the ads were unobtrusive and video ads were skippable

Not really disdain, as there are a small number of YouTubers that I actually enjoy. But let’s not beat around the bush — the vast majority of YouTubers get off on broadcasting their life to the world, and feel as though it’s some kind of public service in doing so. It’s the textbook definition of narcissism.

There is a ton of content worth watching but not worth paying for. Broadcast TV is entirely built upon this concept. It’s not as black and white and you and others would like to believe it is. I never told these people to quit their jobs and become fulltime YouTubers. That’s something they chose to do, just like I

Not my problem.

Then good riddance. There is no covenant, implied or explicit, that mandates I watch ads while surfing the Internet or perusing YouTube. If that’s something you choose to do, then that’s your choice. If not watching ads ultimately means YouTube goes away (it won’t), I really won’t cry. I lived many years before

If there were someone whose work really moved me and I felt like I wanted to financially support I would probably be more likely to use Patreon rather than turn off my ad blocker and subject myself to an endless barrage of stupidity.

That being said, I haven’t yet run across anyone I feel that strongly about, so while

If his income is dependent upon my having to watch ads then he needs a new job, because I do not watch ads. It’s as simple as that. It’s not a shitty attitude, it’s called life.

You don’t need to go to the midwest to find this problem. Just head about 1-2 hours outside of any mid-sized city. Hell, I’m in upstate NY (2 hours north of NYC) and it might as well be the bowels of Alabama. Nearest gay bar is an hour away. Phone apps always pull up the same 15-20 guys in the area, most of which are

Depending upon the YouTuber there could be many ways of directly supporting them that doesn’t involve giving money to YouTube/Google. Some use Patreon, some offer merchandise for sale, etc.

I use an ad blocker because I don’t want to see ads. Period. At all. I will occasionally disable it for some sites, but that’s

Yet another casualty of the abomination that is the New 52 and New New 52. No way to have Wonder Girl reappear as a Titan now that she’s a villain. And don’t even get me started on that...

In general, unless it’s something you absolutely NEED, if you can’t afford it then you probably shouldn’t be trying to find ways to buy it and instead save your money.

It’s not about saving the world. It’s about feeding people food that’s not tainted. I’ve already told you the real reason behind famine, and it’s not a lack of food. It’s the inability to get food to the places it’s needed due to socio-political problems in these areas. We grow more than enough food to feed the entire

Back then it was a real challenge to make someone “fly”. They had neither the tech nor the money to do it right. The Superman serials predated the George Reeves movies and TV show, and there are plenty of documentaries that get into the technical challenges and hurdles they faced getting Superman to “fly” (they

You do realize that the vast majority of corn that is grown, the #1 crop in the US, is for animal feed and biofuel, not human consumption, right?

So while there are indeed some small pockets of altruistic GMO crops in famine-prone areas of Africa that are making a difference, it’s not being done by companies like