
Newsflash: you’re able to get it done because there are 2 of you. If you were single you wouldn’t have 5 hours to devote to cooking because you’d be doing other things on your day off, like shopping and/or laundry. Or, in some cases, you don’t even have a day off because you’re working two jobs.

You clearly learned

“...as well as a team of ‘feminists, bloggers, and academics.’”

Apparently none of whom seem to have any issue with this entire endeavor being all about selling toys to young girls. The “series” is nothing more than 1-3 minute “episodes” all designed to showcase the merch.

And seriously, “empowering” young girls to grow

Or you can spatchcock (flat roast) it, which cuts the cooking time down to about 40 minutes and has the added bonus of evenly cooking both the breast and the dark meat. And no special cooker required.

I’m still trying to figure out a way to lower the dpi. My laptop’s screen is 1366x720 and everything is HUGE. Seems there are lots of options to make things bigger, but not smaller, which really sucks.

Dude, I lived in Rego Park and commuting to midtown was a pain in the ass.

The Peter Pan movie starring Jeremy Sumpter (whatever happened to him anyway?) I always thought was well-done and enjoyable to watch. So you *can* do it, you just have to stick to the source material as closely as possible. It’s there for a reason — because that’s the story people know. Deviate too far, and people

I use mine for things like remote controls. They use very little power and you’d be amazed how long a “dead” battery will last in one.

But can they get laid?

Anyone who doesn’t know that Jobs was a sociopathic asshole needs a reality check. Any picture that paints him otherwise is a con job.

Seriously, are people still watching this CW nonsense?

They were great visual spectacles, but not “action”, meaning Superman going around and doing super things. And yes, I suspect this was supposed to be the start of another Superman franchise, but due to it’s limited financial success they just abandoned it.

Well it was a bit light on the action. I mean the jet scene in the beginning was awesome. But after that there wasn’t much else. And you’re right, they should have gone with someone other than Luthor, someone he could have brawled with. While I liked the movie I do have to agree it was a bit light on the action,

Which is why I’ve been grinding my own for the last 4 years.

Yeah, the later ones in both series went too far in the other direction, but the first 2 in both were spot on IMO.

Most of the complaints I’ve heard is that it didn’t have enough action. Not that is was a throwback, or not gritty/real/dark enough, simply that it lacked big action scenes.

I actually did like Superman Returns and never understood all the hate for it. I have my issues with it (Boswell was horribly miscast, the whole kid thing was completely nonsensical and unnecessary, and not overly crazy about the costume), but overall I thought it was a solid movie that hearkened back to the Reeve

No matter how well they were received by people who don’t know any better they were still garbage. I mean Friends and Roseanne were on the air for 10 years. Arrow (also know as Green Batman) is so popular it now has 2 spinoffs, despite the show being unwatchable by anyone with an IQ above 60 and/or over the age of 15.

Success != a good movie, e.g., Transformers. I am not a fan of Nolan’s Batman movies at all. I much preferred Keaton’s run. It was dark but had just enough of a hint of camp to make it work, whereas the Nolan movies were so fixated on being “real” and “gritty” that it actually became laughably bad. It took itself way

But comics aren’t realistic. That’s the point. We’re talking about a dude from another planet that flies. NOT realistic. That’s the problem with all the DC movies, they try to make real something that is pure and utter fantasy, and it doesn’t work. Marvel doesn’t even try, which is why their movies DO work. You need

Sorry, but I gotta correct some of your incorrect history.

First off, DC sued Fawcett claiming Captain Marvel was too close to Superman in the early 40s, not long after he first appeared, mostly because CM was more popular and sold a lot more copies (at one point his comic was published twice a month). The legal