
I’m still waiting for Snyder to make a really good movie. So far every single movies he’s done is total shit, MoS included.

And you have yet to describe how it “damages neighborhoods” or “inconveniences neighbors.” People are living there. It’s not like they’re packing 20 people into studio. Whoever is living there comes and goes just like anyone else. What “serious traffic” are you talking about? A couple who rented a house or an

Still none of your business what your neighbor does with an apartment they own or rent provided they aren’t breaking any leases, law, or building regulations. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.

And who is to say what the maintenance and common charges you pay are to go to? That’s not up to you do decide, that’s up

You’re confusing a private club with a public business. Private clubs and colleges are not bound by the same anti-discrimination laws as public businesses (and by public we mean “that serves the general public”). Any college or university that takes taxpayer money must also be held to the same non-discrimination laws

As I mentioned earlier they were found guilty and fined twice by two different people — first an administrative law judge and second by the commissioner of the labor bureau.

I find it baffling that you’re in favor of not only allowing them to break the law, but also flagrantly brag about it. Yes, they lost their

You’re free to think of it that way, but the law is the law and everyone is required to follow it. If you don’t like it you can petition your representatives to enact new laws or move to a place that let’s you discriminate against people. No one forces these people to start businesses and they are all fully aware of

GoFundMe’s policy is you can’t run a campaign if you’ve been found guilty of violating the law. The Kleins broke the law, were found guilty of doing so (twice!), and were fined (again, twice!) They are not innocent. They admitted they knew they broke the law and also admitted they would do it again. They can appeal,

GoFundMe’s policy is stated as “in violation of the law”. And they are guilty of a crime. They broke the law.

The Kleins, not the pizza joint.

Considering this is what he did in Superman II it’s not like it’s a far out concept.

It’s a tough call. It is by far the best Next Generation movie, but Star Trek II and VI were both excellent movies as well (and yes, everyone likes IV, but AFAIC there’s just not enough action for consideration). I’m hard pressed to say which is the “best”. If I absolutely had to pick one I think I’d go with II.

I await the uprising of our Kale overlords.

Of course not, because it didn’t involve them or their beliefs. They’re all hypocrites.

Now if I were the prosecutor I would bring this up in court during sentencing to ensure the fine levied was significantly greater than whatever amount they raised. Because I’m a good Christian and want them to understand poverty like Jesus did. Amen!

Well technically it depends upon where you are. There is no federal protection when it comes to general business service, only certain types of public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels, and movie theaters. But many states and cities have their own anti-discrimination laws that extend upon the federal

Not from GoFundMe. They explicitly do not allow money to be raised if you have been found guilty of a crime.

Well legally they can do all those things, with the exception of the service dog. Of course the taxi commission can have their own set of rules that all drivers must follow, but refusing service for those carrying liquor or have non-service animals doesn’t violate any non-discrimination laws.

Which, ironically, would be legal since Christians aren’t a protected class.

I’m betting somewhere in the deep south.

Because in certain places it is illegal to refuse service to the LGBT community, just like it’s illegal to refuse service because someone is Black, or Jewish, or disabled. Now they could have just said “sorry, we’re booked and won’t be able to make your cake”, but no, they refused on the grounds that it was for a