
Yeah, they’re both dicks. They admitted they knew the law, knew that they were breaking it, and said repeatedly they do it again. IMO the fine isn’t enough.

And so is Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Last I heard they closed shop and now bake cakes out of their home.

They have repeatedly stated they would do the same thing again. They have no intention of changing their policy. In fact, last I heard, they closed their business and are now baking cakes out of their home in order to not be classified as a public business, and therefore, free to discriminate. Personally I think the

I think that’s the point. The Kleins have big mouths. They admitted they knew they were breaking the law and said they would do it again. So how much do you think is a fair fine for someone who knowingly broke the law and has repeatedly stated they would do it again?

I don’t give a shit how upset they get. You run a public business. You are bound by certain non-discrimination laws. If you don’t like it, then find another line of work. It’s that simple.

Actually they were under no obligation to bake those cakes because being Christian is not a protected class, where being LGBT is (in many places). But they were smart and took their money, just like any good business should.

It does set a harsh precedent, and is perfectly legal to do so. I have no problem with it. In fact, since the Kleins have shown themselves to be self-righteous assholes thru and thru, I think the fine should be increased with every failed appeal, just for wasting everyone’s time. They knew the law and they broke it

Unfortunately they can’t. GoFundMe can’t be used to raise money when you’ve broken the law. Someone else already tried this and their page was taken down.

Thing is, if someone owns a house or an apartment it’s their fucking property, to do with whatever the fuck they please as long as it’s legal. If you don’t like your neighbor, feel free to move.

She looks more like Mary Tyler Moore than Barbie. And yes, it’s nice to see some color even though we all know there won’t be any in the movies.

Now playing

I’m pretty sure Tom Cruise had perfected this technology long, long ago.

Well it was brought up in the article that GM animals have not been approved anywhere in the world. And then you quoted it and brought it up again, questioning it (“because I keep hearing about these concerns but I haven’t actually seen any that made a lick of sense.”), and I responded with the FDA’s rationale — fear

Nope, not when you know the end result is going to be a complete waste of your time. And you can pretty much figure that out within the first 2 or 3 exchanges.

I don’t care why someone feels that gays shouldn’t be allowed to marry, or that Blacks should still be slaves, or that Hitler had the right idea. I do not need

Well that’s not MY answer to the question of “health and environment”, it’s from the FDA, so it is indeed the “real situation explained in the proper perspective.” The FDA currently does not approve of any GM animals, and the reason I gave is exactly why. This does not mean they will never do so, or wouldn’t in this

I believe the “health and environmental concerns” part is the potential for development of pathogens that can potentially harmful. Since a lot of genetic engineering involves introducing bacterium or viruses that alter the host’s DNA there’s understandable concern as to how those microbes will develop and/or mutate

Yes, because of all the shit I have to do in any given day it does not include getting into a lengthy argument with some asshat on Facebook that is never going to change their mind no matter what I say. It’s a pointless waste of time and energy. Clearly you’ve never been down this road before or you would already know

Would you do the same if one of your friends changed their avatar to a white hood or a swastika? Decide that it was time to open a dialog with them? Try to convince them how their deep-seated racism and bigotry is wrong? Just carry on as if nothing is wrong because they simply have a differing opinion than you?


Makes it that much easier to spot who in my feed I need to block/defriend.

Still “genetically modified”. Basically mutant pigs. If that sounds tasty to you have at it. I for one fear for the consequences — freakishly deformed animals that have all sorts of health issues and are in constant pain. I mean, don’t we already treat our livestock badly enough without having to genetically mutate

Yes, but those proteins and amino acids are part of a living, breathing animal. It’s bad enough what we do to non-genetically modified animals destined for slaughter — bird breasts so large the animal can’t stand up, or pigs locked in a cage, unable to move, for its entire life.

Now factor in genetic modifications that