
Because corporations pay off the US government to look the other way. Duh.

You talk a lot, but none of what you say has any basis in fact. Any of it. It’s impossible to point out what’s right from wrong because IT’S ALL WRONG. It would take me an hour or longer to tear your rants apart and disprove every single statement, and honestly you’re not worth the effort. Like I said, believe

Your opinions are not backed by fact. Like Mr. Payne, I neither have the time nor inclination to dissect and correct your wall of text. Believe whatever fantasy lets you sleep at night.

Not mistaken about the custom resolution. You go to the HDTV settings, click Add, and then set the resolution you want. It’s not a “scaling thingy”, it’s a custom resolution.

College? Really? Time to put on your big girl pants, buttercup.

Censorship is unacceptable.

Well we could go back and chat about all the Nvidia GPUs that went belly-up in a year or two due to cheap solder and their refusal to do anything about it (yeah, got burned by that big time). And all the hardware rebadging they do (can we say “fraud”?) And let’s not forget the multiple mysterious disappearing cores

I completely disagree. AMD puts out a new optimized driver whenever a new AAA title comes out (they just released a new driver with optimizations for the Witcher 3). And I don’t know what you mean by “featureless”, unless you mean “lacks the gimmicky shit that Nvidia has that tanks your framerates”. Their current

Just another responsible gun owner being all responsible n’ shit.

Um, no. I will never buy Nvidia ever again. I’m more than happy with AMD cards. Never had a problem with them or their drivers, unlike Nvidia.

The thing is, Nvidia IS shady, and has been for a long time. You’re clearly too much of a fanboi to see it.

I’ll leave you with one example. Let’s say you own a nice AMD card and want to get a lesser/inexpensive Nvidia card to use as a PhysX processor. Nope, sorry, no can do. Nvidia purposely rewrote their drivers to

Really? You bummed rides from friends and coworkers and took the bus and/or rode a bike? Hmmm, I’m thinking not. You probably just bought a junker to drive while you paid off your irresponsible medical debt.

Cause y’know, if you couldn’t afford health insurance you really had no business going to a doctor or hospital

You seem to have a severe lack of understanding as to just how much car repairs cost, and how most of them do not come with any warranties.

So is that what you did, or is that your kindly advice to those you see as financially irresponsible welfare queens that are below you?

If Michael B. Jordan can play blonde-haired blue-eyed Johnny Storm, and Mehcad Brooks can play freckled ginger Jimmy Olsen I see no problem with Emma Stone playing a 1/4 Hawaiian and 1/4 Chinese character. I mean, best actor for the role, amirite?

Hangouts also lets you receive MMS messages, something GV was never very good at.

Just out of curiosity, which other OTC pills have you found that actually work?

Well at least she wasn’t raped, amirite?

And yet despite your insistence that we discuss the issue like intelligent adults you have basically gone all Jezebel on Whedon and the movie, which is pretty much the opposite of intelligent discussion. And then went on to totally diss and dismiss the struggles of women with fertility issues. Bravo. Well done. You’ve

Probably about as long as he lasts in bed too.

Strike that... he’s probably a virgin.