
YES!!! I really enjoyed this movie and hoped their would be sequels. I never understood the hate for it.

Usually stores put in that kind of limit so they can keep an eye on the customers. It’s a lot easier to shoplift from a store when it’s full of people.

One of my all time favorite movies. I remember seeing it in the theater and going crazy when it finally kicked into high gear.

The only thing I eat at a Subway is the tuna. And I find it quite tasty. So there.

Well either they are banned or they aren’t, so which is it? The point is that in 26 countries there is some level of restriction or ban of GMO crops. If they were as safe and wholesome as some people would like us to believe there wouldn’t be any bans of any kind anywhere in the world. Clearly there is a concern.

“Those are bans...”

So what you’re saying is that they’re banned, amirite?

If GMOs are so great for us why are they banned in over 26 countries, and upwards of 20 states in the US are currently debating bills to ban or heavily regulate them?

Anytime she wants to trade places with me she can. She is more than welcome to have my crappy 1 bedroom apartment in backwoods upstate NY to call her very own while I give up all my worldly possessions (what will I do without my 2002 pickup truck???) and live in the penthouses of fancy NYC hotels.

Nicely said.

Is it just me or is Edward TOTALLY adorable???

Not a single mention of SNRIs?

I think this is the first time I've actually wished they used autotune. Good lord that was painful to listen to.

He could have at least made an attempt at learning the words. And seriously, you can't spring for a backing track?

Well this doesn't mean CBS isn't planning on a new TV show. They have already said it's something they want to do after the 3rd movie. All this means is that it's unlikely to be based upon Federation.

Why on Earth have people necro'd a 4 year old thread?

Why on Earth have people necro'd a 4 year old thread?

Why on Earth have people necro'd a 4 year old thread?

Sorry, but a non-removable battery and lack of an SD card are both dealbreakers. Samsung's been on and off my shitlist for awhile now, looks like this finally cements them there.

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From the awesome people of Star Trek New Voyages/Phase II