

If it's an OEM version that you paid for and installed on a machine you built, Microsoft is usually pretty good about letting you change the license to a new machine that you're building — but it will still be an OEM version on the new machine. What happens after you apply the Windows 10 upgrade is anyone's guess. I

Then you need to get out more, because everyone who has ever had the misfortune of going thru Penn Station agrees Penn Station sucks, and has sucked for decades.

Shouldn't the original Star Trek be on this list? I can't think of a more influential TV show that had a shoe string budget.

Think of it this way, "if the prospect, AND the respect, AND valuing ARE daunting tasks...." Multiple subjects, therefore you use are instead of is.

And when someone does actually sing live they get blasted on social media sites because they're not 100% perfect like their auto-tuned and digitally-processed to perfection music tracks.

I currently have 3 old but fully-functional modems lying around. The one I'm currently using is easily 5 years old. I think I'm good for the long run.

Not to diminish your accomplishments in any way shape or form, but 99% of the "technicians" that TWC sends out to do a simple install have a fraction of your pedigree. They plug in the cable modem in, call in to activate it, fill out some paperwork, and leave, which is something any reasonably intelligent person can

And who exactly do I switch to since TWC is the ONLY Internet provider in my area?

You don't need to buy a modem on their approved list, which as you've pointed out gets shorter and shorter every year. Buy whatever modem you want, even a used one. If they ask what the model # is tell them it's a Motorola SB6141 and then give them the MAC address.

I'm currently using an old Motorola SB5120, not on any

Who have always done so and didn't get into accidents until the cameras were put in place.

No. If they weren't causing accidents before then clearly an increase in accidents is due to the camera, and only the camera (and any yellow light shortening funny business that comes with them).

Not really, since in many cases they are shortening the length of the yellow light below the federally-regulated threshold in order to catch more people. So either you enter the intersection on the yellow and it changes because it's now 2 seconds instead of 3 and get tagged or you see yellow as you're approaching and

No Shit, drivers say.

And risk getting an RD ticket even when you've done nothing wrong from a cop that's short on his quota that day? I don't think so. Just avoid Virginia, period.

And again, who are these people you speak of? I need names. Because from my point of view today is a golden era of creativity, where the Internet grants artists of all kinds unprecedented access to an entire world full of people. If there are people who once were "scraping out a middle class existence" and are now


Question answered.

Just curious, why do we the people have to be held to some lofty moral standard when corporations are free to rape and pillage at will? You want us to "do the right thing" for an industry that has, for nearly its entire existence, preyed upon, used and abused every artist and group that came thru their doors. This

But can you prove it was from piracy? Music revenue also fell off a cliff at the same time paid digital downloads became a thing (meaning you could buy a song for $1 instead of having to buy the entire CD for $15) and the advent of YouTube allowed people to legally listen to music without having to pay a single cent.

Name one "interesting artist" who is unable to get funding for their music, movie, or games due to piracy. Piracy and only piracy. Because I call bullshit. Films, TV, and the music industry still make BILLIONS in profits every single year, despite piracy. No one is going bankrupt. The world you imagine in your head