
Apparently you didn't watch the video. You might want to do that before you comment.

If you watch the video or play the demo it clearly states it's an alpha release and that the animations are not final.

I think it looks great and am looking forward to the final product!

"What I didn't expect was the large amount of dog piling from a few people who act like this burned some unknown rule book of old animation style."

At the time it was also one of the only ones I could find that wasn't just a square box and/or cost more than the RPI itself. I like the aesthetic appeal of the curves, along with the clear plastic inserts so you can see the onboard lights. I bought one for a buddy and he liked it so much he bought a second one when

I missed the original post regarding suggestions, but I'll toss in the one I bought:

Very possible. It never really occurred to me.

This probably would have been a better way to go, and then save the Oa stuff for the 2nd movie. The other problem with the GL movie is that they call him Hal Jordan (super-serious "man without fear") but gave us Kyle Raynor (wise-cracking goofball), or at least some kind of mish-mosh of the two. I think the movie

Barbara Gordon's Batgirl first appeared in 1967, not 1963. The previous Bat-Girl, Betty Kane was introduced in 1961.

#correction #comicsnerd.

This is what happens when infrastructure is left in the hands of private industries instead of the government. Everything revolves around profit instead of what's best for people. Comcast won't subsidize adding broadband to a remote region while a state or local municipal broadband service (the kind being outlawed all

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Amtrak hasn't gotten any federal subsidies in a long time, at least a decade or so. They had received funding for a long time under the premise of creating a high speed rail system, which they failed to do, so the subsidies were pulled.

The one on the far right is Beware the Batman, from the latest CGI cartoon. The one next to Brave and the Bold is The Dark Knight.

Wonder Woman's 75th isn't until December 2016.

Purely a personal prerogative. I don't speak for anyone else but myself. You are free to disagree, but that doesn't change my opinion or the reasoning behind it.

And yet I was able to sustain my argument without using strawman arguments, logical fallacies, or resorting to ad hominem attacks. Yup, I must be pretty dumb.

I don't have a problem with body-shaming or snarking when it's deserved. Trying to say what these women do their faces is "feminism" is absurd. Trying to say that mocking them is "antifeminist" is equally absurd.

The problem with your assertion is that autonomy to do with one's body as one sees fit is not the sole purview of feminism, so it can hardly be called a central tenet of it, which is the part you seem to be missing. Or are you really trying to say that it's ok some women destroy their faces because it's really all

Which, again, was a strawman argument based on a logical fallacy.

There is no counterpoint because what you said is illogical and irrational.

And if you think these women are shooting their faces full of fillers and toxins because they're card-carrying feminists fighting the good fight, well, I guess I should try to speak more tactfully to you in the future.