
Sometimes things really are just that simple and not nearly as complicated as we think they are.

But but but... your daughter's rapist is a person and deserves COMPASSION! A slap on the wrist, a stern talking to, and a minimal jail sentence so he can quickly be back out on the street to do it again to someone else's child. COMPASSION! HE. IS. A. PERSON!

I don't recall saying anything of the sort. You pulled that one straight out of your ass.

But it's really not that complicated. You have a conclave of insecure, obsessive, drug addled, vain, vacuous, sheeple women who all follow each other like lemmings to the plastic surgeon's office, never once stopping to take a good look in the mirror to see exactly how freaky they appear. They do it to themselves.

Liar. Cause I'm betting if some guy raped your 11 year old daughter compassion would be the last thing on your mind. You talk a good talk, but I seriously doubt you can walk that walk. Nice strawman argument tho, dragging up the dealt penalty and prison conditions. You seem to be conflating compassion with morality.

Ad-hominem attacks are always the best way to start a conversation.

Wait...now women who abuse botox and fillers are VICTIMS??? You're delusional.

Actually it's about as pro-feminist as you can get. You really don't understand what feminism is all about do you? Do I berate people with eating disorders? No, but I don't ignore them, or pretend that everything's ok, or that it's normal. Or blame society for their problems. I urge them to get help.

So do child molesters deserve compassion? Serial rapists? Terrorist bombers? I mean, THEY. ARE. PEOPLE. TOO.

No one is forced to follow a "beauty standard". They choose to do it of their own free will. Vanity has a price, and they are all paying it. And I'm placing blame exactly where it belongs, on them.

No, I have no problems telling someone who purposefully disfigures themselves in the name of vanity that they look freaky. I call 'em as I see 'em. Society can make standards but no one is EVER forced to follow them. People CHOOSE to. They make it a priority. Instead of trying to blame some non-tangible aspect of

I actually think the discussion so far has been mostly kind to these women, who, again, have willingly done this to themselves. They were not born this way, nor were their disfigurements caused by an accident. It was their own choice to have these procedures done. Why would they deserve compassion? Because they're

Well I agree that anyone, both men and women, should have the autonomy to do whatever they wish with their bodies. And by and large they do. But this has nothing to do with feminism, because it's a concept that's not restricted to just women. Men, women, gay, lesbian, trans... there is a long list of people that

I don't have an issue with women getting plastic surgery to improve their appearance. And yes, Raquel looks fabulous. Her surgeon is very talented and she looks great. What I have a problem with is the *bad* plastic surgery procedures or the overdone procedures where women have their every injection-filled whim

Wow, that was a lot of words, yet somehow you managed to say very little that was actually intelligible. Bravo, that takes quite a bit of skill.

These women aren't non-conformists. They are 100% conformists who choose to willingly distort and ruin their faces because in their minds the worst possible thing in the world

I just call em as I see them. And I'll remind you that no one forces these women to do anything they do not want to do. They all choose to be part of these programs, are paid to do so, and Bravo makes a ton of money from these shows. If you're gonna put yourself out there you better be ready for any criticism that

No, I read and understood exactly what she was saying. That to shame women for shooting botulinum toxin into their faces in the name of vanity somehow makes us anti-feminist. Of course the part she neglects to understand is that the feminist movement is all about empowering women and allowing them to be themselves and

I'm POSITIVE that at least one of the women shown here will have a facial UPLIFTING sometime soon.

Sorry, but that's not feminism. Strike 2. Anyone has the right to alter their own bodies, both men and women. You want to shoot botox and fillers into your face and make yourself look like a freak? You have every right. But we also have the right to snicker, laugh, or be horrified at you doing so. You really do need

If you believe feminism is all about shooting toxins into your face in order to delude yourself into thinking it will make you more attractive to men then you have a really fucked up definition of feminism.