
He = Superman leading Zod away from Metropolis because he realized they were destroying it.

So long as they keep making the same stupid movies featuring the same stupid characters written by the same hack writers and directed by the same hack director, nope, never gets old or tired, or unnecessary. And certainly not wrong. It was a horrible movie and a horrible interpretation of Superman. If you think

Funny, cause when faced with the exact same dilemma in Superman II, he chose to retreat and lead Zod and co. AWAY from Metropolis to stop the destruction. Y'know, in a movie done 30+ years ago.

Like he did in Superman II?

And instead of giving us what we wanted, they chose to give us a whiny emo Superman who kills. And then complain when the movie gets panned cause the script has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese.

Damn bunch of buzzkills.

I suspect with her ever-growing popularity finding a new channel to continue her show won't be much of a problem. I could totally see her on Comedy Central right before the Daily Show or after Colbert.

I can't wait to see how he "empowers" Waif, er, I mean Wonder Woman.

Why isn't this on Jezebel instead of Deadspin? Oh yeah, because this chick is cray-cray.

My vet has a large plastic tote that they cut a hole in the side and attached tubing. It's clear plastic so they can see, and they just invert it and place it over the cat carrier, making a seal against the table. Turn on the gas and in a minute or two kitty is off in la la land. Works like a charm.

My cat is exactly the same way. The sweetest most affectionate little thing...until she has to go to the vet. Then she turns into the demonic cat from hell. Screaming, hissing, clawing, the works. They have to put on the big teflon/kevlar gloves to go anywhere near her (think the kind of gloves they wear for training

The answer will be simple: stop watching TV and movies. At first it will be downrezzing from HD streams to SD streams to save bandwidth. Next will be playing game demos instead of full games because it's a smaller download (along with deleting games you don't play that often but update a lot). Eventually you'll just

Oooo, someone's panties are all in a bunch. Try a laxative, maybe you won't be so cranky after you shit out whatever crawled up your ass and died.

Just buy a cheap $30 deep fryer. If you enjoy wings, fried chicken, and french fries it's well worth the investment. Sure you can do it in a pot on the stove but it's so much more difficult to control the temperature, which is key to getting fried food that crispy instead of soggy.

Is it just me or is the misogyny flowing really really deep in here?

There are lots of things "science" said couldn't possibly exist until it was proven otherwise. Like how the world is not actually flat, and the sun does not in fact revolve around the Earth. Or how life could exist in parts of our world where there is neither sunlight or oxygen — yet it does.

You're cray cray. If you expected American-style zombie hordes with blood and guts, then yeah, major disappointment. But I thought it was AMAZING. Brilliant premise, great acting... yeah, not a lot of subtlety, you knew where it was going, but that's not necessarily a bad thing considering they only had 3 episodes to

Does anyone else find people that install these kinds of cameras to be insufferable?

I'm no expert but I would think that a lap-band would be a more prudent course of action. It's better at controlling portion sizes than a gastric bypass in the midterm (2+ years, after which a gastric bypass pouch will expand and allow significantly more food), it's completely reversible, and not nearly as invasive.

Does my Jesus Christ mod for GTA IV count?