
It happens to cases with minority victims all the time. If you're Black you're obviously guilty, if you're a woman you were clearly asking for it, if you're gay you must have somehow provoked the defendant into nearly beating you to death. Ever notice how in these cases the victims are always the ones who are blamed,

Um, no. Sorry, but still wrong. I dunno what else to say to you. You clearly are not going to believe anything different, so I'm not going to waste my breath anymore.

And as I've already explained twice to you, your assumption is incorrect. It's a fallacial argument, and italicizing it does not make it factual.

I'm sorry, but your assertion simply is not true, no matter how much you want it to be to fuel your faux outrage.

Most reviews claim it's a capable machine that's mediocre in performance and vastly overpriced. Basically a Mac in Windows clothing. Which is exactly what the CEO wants. If you want a mediocre, yet stylish, laptop that costs a premium, then it's right up your alley. If you value performance and cost over looks, then

You're preaching to the choir dude. My hate of Apple runs wide and deep, much for the very same reasons you listed.

Actually, pretty much everything I've read about it says it's shit and WAY overpriced. And of course there's the bit from the CEO of the company saying how he wants to be just like Apple on focus on design aesthetics instead of performance and quality. So no, do NOT go with ANYTHING from Razer. You're just throwing

Or that you're so blatantly Apple-biased you don't want people to know they can get a comparable device for less than half the cost?

Nonsense. For $400 you can get a perfectly fine general use laptop that will last you years. You're either clueless or an Apple fanboi who think if you don't spend $1500 on a $500 product you're not getting your money's worth.

Let's see, Apple product listed first despite being the smallest % user base, frequent comparisons to Apple products throughout the article, and all Windows products listed have the same MSRP as the Apple products, despite the fact that most Windows laptops have an MSRP that's easily half of a Mac laptop.

Most likely the same way Motorola (now owned by Google) uses the term Droid. They pay off the copyright/trademark holder.

It's not human nature. It's a by-product of socioeconomic inequality where every single thing, no matter how essential for human life, has a monetary cost, and for most people money is an extremely finite commodity. THIS behavior runs counter to human nature, which is why so many people become assholes when something

Call me when genuine super-powered heroes start showing up in Arrow. Like, for example, a Black Canary with a Canary Cry.

Is there some shortage of actual human cadavers that we are unaware of? I mean, right here in the US tens of thousands are killed by firearms. Other than the bullet holes, surely at least some of those bodies could be used by anatomy students, yes?

But will it cure cancer?

It's the best thing ever!

It's one thing to have a differing, intolerant view. It's another to be a card-carrying mouthpiece for an organization hell-bent on denying an entire class of people their civil rights.

I'm sure Card was paid for the rights to this movie, and that we can't do anything about. But by boycotting it and making sure it tanks and makes no money we can ensure that none of this other works will ever be turned into movies again, cutting off any future profits, both from movie options as well as publicity for

Considering that billion-dollar companies like Activision/Blizzard and EA can't manage a smooth rollout of their online games without server meltdowns I don't see how any of this is meaningful in any way, other than as a Republican opportunity to bitch about Obamacare — something they have desperately tried to derail,

I think it's hilarious that someone think administering a website has anything whatsoever to do with administering healthcare. Or do you routinely let your IT guy shove his finger up your ass to check your prostate?