
I don't really get all the hate either. I find it funny enough that I chuckle a few times during most episodes, and sometimes bust out a good belly laugh. It's certainly better than most sitcoms that are so horribly unfunny I can't even sit thru them, or don't even crack a smile if I do.

While some of the laughter is genuine it's boosted by "laugh" signs and canned laughter that's added in later for scenes they feel didn't get quite enough laughs.

WTF did I just read? Does Jezebel pay by the word? Is the author unaware that the events depicted in this movie are from over 150 years ago, and that at one point or another in the history of the human race pretty much everyone was treated like shit, including today?

Sounds like a dream job to me. Lucky lady!

Y'know, everyone likes to say that time travel simply isn't possible because if it were someone would have come back from the future and prevented the Holocaust.

I will say one thing that gets overlooked and rarely discussed is the notion that science fiction or fantasy are really sub-genres, or frameworks, and aren't true narrative formats such as comedy, drama, documentary, etc.

So Johnny freely admits he cheated on his wife dozens, if not hundreds of times, but gets all bent out of shape when she cheats on him?

He was just making human tortillas.

The time investment is minimal, an hour, maybe two. You order the parts, you assemble them, and install the OS (which while it's installing you can be off doing other things).

Oh, I understand that. My point was only to note that some of the complex setups people have created are total overkill in the home. Shuttling and streaming video doesn't require anything more than an old PC or laptop on your network running Windows 98 or higher — it certainly doesn't require expensive specialized

Yes, but there is nothing in there that requires continued innovation beyond the initial design. Let's say for shits and giggles I invented the mouse and patented it, and then never created another thing nor tried to improve upon my original design. Certainly I'd be entitled to reap the benefits when other companies

But is it really an "abuse" of the law? There is nothing in patent law that states one must actively use one's patents or create anything. In fact, it's the lack of such a regulation that allows companies like this to buy up huge portfolios of patents and then seek payments when other companies use them.

Y'know, there are OTHER heroes in DC's lineup. Last I checked they had more than Batman and Superman on their list of character properties. They might want to think about using some of them instead of rehashing the same 2 over and over again to death, especially since they keep bastardizing them more and more with

Uh'Murica! FUCK YEAH!!!

Interesting that Sara Gilbert would be one to criticize considering her own nose is half the size it used to be.

Yes. The difference is HUGE.

Oh, I understood everything he said. But to me it seems like 1000x overkill for the home. Nightly backups and images? Centralized file server? Remotely fixing server issues?

Hmmm. Y'know Hitler once said something very similar. Just keep that in mind next time you open your mouth.

Yeah, but there's a hefty price to pay for such things. You don't see it now, but at some point you will. Trust me, what he accomplished with his iCrap devices is not going to go down in history as a good thing.