
But in 10 years? The current generations of iPhanbois might looks back at this time as having been glorious, but the rest of us will shrug our shoulders and go "who?", especially the new generation who will have no idea who he was.

Which he didn't. But I guess you also believe that Al Gore invented the Internet?

It's so quaint you think anyone cares.

Honestly I think most people have already forgotten about Steve Jobs. In 10 years people will go "Steve who? Oh, the asshole who created the iCrap craze?"

But, y'see, that's all there really was to Steve Jobs. A sociopathic dickish snake-oil salesman. Anything more and the movie would be fiction, not a biography.

Uh'Murica! FUCK YEAH!!!

She had some minor plastic surgery early in her career which is why she doesn't quite look the same in these photos. They trimmed down her nose and refined her jawline.

He didn't do it. Read the source. As usual the headline is flat out wrong. Obama had nothing to do with the decision.

Do you not even read your own sources before you write your headlines? Obama had nothing to do with this. The decision was made by U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman. The President was not involved in any way.

Considering the formal concept of "homosexuality" is only roughly 120 years old I'm not at all surprised there was no mention of it 2000 years ago. There are no ancient words for it. It was something that was as normal and common as any other relationship and as such never needed a label.

Jesus Christ are they still trying to milk SFIV?

Um, probably the same people in charge of the comics and the movies, which are both as equally horrible.

I always find it fascinating comparing the US version of a UK show to the original. It's very clear that Hollywood and the BBC have very different views about what they think makes a show successful.

Yup. This WW is by far the best animated version of her ever. It's right up there neck and neck with Superfriends season 1 (and only season 1).


Wow, that's a whole lotta hot air I simply do not have the desire to read.

Oh no, my reading comprehension is just fine. The problem is with your claims. We got our first VCR in 1982. It cost $499. I had my first cassette recorder in 1972, a full decade earlier. I still have cassettes of things I taped off the TV (audio only of course) because there was no other way to preserve them or

But why would I want to rely on such imprecise and flawed venues such as reviews and advice from friends when I can just watch it myself? Seems pretty damned stupid to me. And again, renting it costs money, and if it's something I don't see the value is actually going to see in the theater, or buying on DVD, then

Yeah, you're still full of shit. Sorry, but I don't believe you. Never had a VCR? Never had a tape recorder? Never used a copy machine? Visited a library? You're either lying thru your teeth or you're 120 years old. Either way, you're full of shit.

I download shit because I don't want to pay for it.