
Yeah, most people don't realize just how dangerous hippos really are. They are NOT to be messed with. If you're ever in an area where they are known to live, and you see one, do an immediate 180 and head the other way. They make bears look like puppy dogs.

I still get a phone book every single year (yellow pages). They are now stacked up in the foyer of the apartment building cause no one wants them. Every week we get the free local "Pennysaver"-style newspaper delivered, which is 99% ads. I use it to put down on the floor when I buzz my hair for easy cleanup. I keep a

Just another in a long line of unnecessary (and horrible) costume changes by DC for no good reason. I really don't know who at this point is running the show over there, and why there seems to be no oversight as they slowly drive the company into the ground, but at some point this whole New 52 bullshit is going to

If a product's commercial is telling you how good it is for you, chances are it's not. Step 1 to eating more healthily is not believing everything you see, hear, or read in advertisements.

One of the best shows to ever grace TV. Gone way before its time.

It's pretty much the same thing DC did with Wonder Woman in the New 52. Change for no other reason than they could. From the costume, to her persona, to her origin, to the Amazons themselves, everything's been changed, none of it for the betterment of the character, and the majority of the changes simply do not make

Com'n! Where's the Slap Chop???

I'll try it, thanks.

It's possible I guess. I do pretty much what you do, rinse the pan out, scratch off any sold pieces, then dry it on a warm burner. After it's dry I put about a teaspoon of oil in the pan and wipe it down with a paper towel.

I'm a sucker for super-soft sheets. Must have them. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend $100 or more on a set. I wait for super sales, closeouts, clearance, etc. I mean they're sheets, who cares if they're from last season?

No, I'm pretty sure that eating too much processed foods and not getting enough exercise is what's making people fat. Feminism has nothing to do with it.

And you say this like it's a bad thing? It's something the government SHOULD be doing everywhere — making essential utilities like high speed Internet available and affordable. Y'know, like just about every other first world nation in the world does.

Good thing we're not chickens. I believe I've already acknowledged that overheating teflon can result in toxic fumes; this is not up for debate as it's well-documented fact. But this is not the same as inadvertently consuming small amounts of it from a flaking pan, or has anything to do with seasoning a teflon pan

Overheating teflon is definitely a no-no, especially if you have birds. The fumes are toxic. The teflon itself is not. The FDA has repeatedly confirmed that teflon is completely safe, even if consumed. The fumes are what can get you. They probably won't kill an adult, but you'll definitely get sick.

Ahh yes, that actually works well. It's the one way I've found to cook eggs in a cast iron skillet without them tasting funky.

That is not actually correct, but believe whatever you want.

That's really not what's being discussed here. Obviously if your pan is flaking teflon you shouldn't use it. But sometimes your pan can get scratched and develop a "sticky" spot where the scratch is. And sometimes you make the mistake of using a cooking spray which almost instantly makes your nonstick pan permanently

In general I agree with you. But I've found there are a few things that simply don't taste right when cooked in a cast iron frying pan. For example, eggs. So while the majority of my cookware is either stainless steel or cast iron (including a few enameled pieces) I keep one nonstick frying pan for those few

No lie, my mother told me just a few days ago she did this with her nonstick pans that weren't so nonstick anymore. So there, it really does work!

The left is for normal days. The right is for when I need to be heavily caffeinated.