
I just whip out my penis. If that doesn't impress them, nothing I say ever will.

That was my first thought on seeing this ship, that we're dealing with the Mirror Universe. Still leaves a lot of questions unanswered, like why this guy hates on Kirk so much and is hell bent on destruction of THIS universe.

If the government has compelling information that there is indeed child pornography on the encrypted device AND that information also includes knowing the defendant knows the password and has previously accessed the device then yes, he should be forced to decrypt it.

It applies to those things, but only when there isn't a government-sanctioned monopoly. Like in pretty much every other industrialized country in the world except here.

They made $5.48 BILLION last quarter.

SPOILERS: Wash was replaced by a clone early in Serenity. The real Wash is alive and well, but needs to be found...

She never would have been able to afford the taxes and registration fees on that thing. It's not like she would have been able to keep it anyway.

Yes, but again, these are civil issues, not criminal. It's a huge distinction.

Yeah, I often forget trying to be logical and rational on Jezebel is an uphill losing battle.

If you can't understand the difference between taking photographs of children without the consent of their parents and distributing them in venues frequented by pedophiles vs. the sharing of a photo taken of and shared by a consenting adult then you need professional help.

A photograph is a form of artistic expression, and as such is considered a protected form of speech so long as the subject is not considered obscene (such as bestiality or child pornography). Listing someone's name and address is simply an exchange of public information, another protected form of speech.

Do you always respond to a simple logical statement by threatening the safety of someone's children? What kind of sick bastard are you?

Both of which are CIVIL crimes, brought to suit from one individual to another. If it becomes a criminal activity it is then it becomes the state versus the alleged offender, where it now becomes a free speech issue. Does one have the right to post a legally-taken picture that was legally obtained along with

Well in all fairness she did have two nosejobs and at least one surgery to alter her jawline.

True, but one could question whether revenge porn would be considered harassment or defamation. It's a very grey area, and the lines are quite blurry. Just because you don't like the speech doesn't necessarily mean it falls outside the scope of the First Amendment.

Slander and libel aren't criminal offenses, and only apply if the statements made are untrue. And child porn is illegal for completely different reasons.

I don't know where you get that I think child porn is ok, cause I never ever said anything of the sort. And I don't see how someone's name and address is "confidential" as such things are almost always part of the public record. I'm not condoning revenge porn, just pointing out that a law that seeks to criminalize it

Seems to me like such a law would violate the First Amendment.

All of the above. There is no legitimate reason to change her costume in this way. It doesn't bring anything new to her, doesn't enhance the character at all. If anything, it detracts from her and alienates her die hard fans. There is a reason her costume looked the way it did for 70+ years. It was modeled on the

Because you're not in the minority, so of course you don't understand the need. It's not about you, it's about us. You really don't need to understand or approve.