
I dunno, does downloading shit to my PC and then sending it to my tablet or the mini PC running XBMC connected to my TV count?

Here's the thing. There is no way that we all know this and that big media is somehow oblivious to it. Yet they continue to employ their current tactics of extortion letters, takedowns, and expanded legislation.

All of it seems depressing. Page after page after page of "news" about CES on a dozen or more sites and there is absolutely not a single stand out that makes me go "wow". It's all overpriced crap that no one wants, no one asked for, and no one needs. We don't need 700 different models of 55" TV sets. We don't need yet

Well, considering Batman's peripheral vision would be nil with that cowl, and that a cape's only purpose would be to get tangled up in your arms, legs, or over your head while fighting or flying it seems like she'd be fit right in with all the other superheroes who wear impractical costumes.

Personally not really digging it, but it's still 100x better than the god awful New 52 version that is nothing but an abomination.

I know. Hasn't worked in 5 years, been playing for 5 years up to 10 hours a day over 5 different accounts. Sorry, but I wouldn't believe her either. She is the poster child for Chinese gold farmers.

Well true, you have a point there :)

You and me both DTits, you and me both!

Well there is a rumor Tom and Milton Berle had a cock-off to see which was bigger. Oh, and Forest Tucker was another one who was rumored to have an enormous schlong.

I'm sorry if this comes off douchey, but honestly, who cares? If Lee hadn't sat in front of a NeXT terminal cause it didn't exist he would have sat in front of whatever existed in its stead.

So explain to me Jezzies, is there now a "rape zone"? I mean, if I get within 10 feet of a woman without her express written consent am I "raping" her? What about eye contact? If I look at her from across the room without her first saying "yes, you may gaze upon me" is that "rape" too? Does the failure of a guy upon

Tom Jones, Jared Leto, and Vinny Guadalaharalupotini, or whatever the fuck his name is from Jersey Shore. And though I know we see Jon Hamm's ham going commando in a gajillion pap picks I'm still not convinced it's nearly as big as it appears.

Yeah, Best Buy by a nose. By my disdain for Walmart grows with every passing day.

Ha! I saw that Doctor Who flesh goo thingie at FYE yesterday and was like WTF is this!?!?

Actually the vast majority of Steve's fortune was from Apple stock. His salary from Apple was $1 a year, specifically so that he could avoid paying taxes. If you do a bit of research you'll easily find it well-documented that he did everything possible to avoid paying federal and state taxes, even going so far to buy

Keep drinking the industry Kool-Aid junior.

So basically THQ is getting Bained. USA! USA! USA! USA!

The question is (or perhaps will be): were his technological changes beneficial to us or not. Many might say yes, cause hey look, we have these great smartphones and tablets and overpriced laptops with really high resolution screens. Others might so no, because billions upon billions were spent on things that have

I dickishness is copied directory from Steve's, in his honor.

You realize he and Apple paid virtually no taxes due to offshore tax havens, right?