
You say that is if he created the MP3 file. He didn't, despite what he may have claimed. Music was being distributed and shared digitally years before Stevie creamed out an iPod in one of his wet dreams.

Jobs invented NOTHING. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. Certainly not the IBM Model M keyboard connected to my Intel-based motherboard in a rig I built running Windows 7 that I'm currently typing on. The only thing Stevie was good at was taking other people's inventions, polishing them up, puting on his charlatan snake oil

So it's basically Is Anyone Up, but with men. Funny how it seems most women aren't having a problem with this.

¿Donde esta la bibliotecha?

A fitting tribute to the one of the greatest douchebags of the 20th century. Not everyone in Hell can say they've had a Lifetime Movie of the Week-quality flick starring Ashton Kutcher made out of their former lives.

Highly disappointed the bobcat didn't leap onto that fuckwad's face and shred it to ribbons. Now THAT would have been some funny shit.

Oh I get it, but I don't agree with it. Your stance removes all personal responsibility for one's self and one's actions and blames society on the whole. I don't agree with this philosophy. While societal and cultural factors can have an impact on people's lives it doesn't HAVE to. The buck stops with the individual.

Sorry, but it's ABSOLUTELY about assigning blame. If a fat person never acknowledges they themselves are solely to blame for their obesity they do not have any chance of changing their lives or their weight.

You can pick up a cheap slow cooker for $20, and any kind of meat except fish can be tossed into one. Not sure where the problem is.

Y'know, I really do like to see innovation and companies trying to think outside the box and create new and exciting products.

Perhaps, but how fat does one need to get before one realizes that something is wrong? At what point does one stop and think "yeah, I'm as big as a house and I need to do something about this?"

Total BS. The food industry can pump out all the HFCS-laden products they want and I can guarantee none if it will reach my stomach because I read labels and will not buy products that contain it. MY body, MY responsibility. Stop blaming others for your failures or past mistakes. You can sit around all day kicking

Y'know what's cheaper than soda, kool-aid, and fruit juices? WATER. Y'know what kinds of vegetables are cheap and have virtually no added ingredients? Frozen.

Just read the label while shopping. It's that easy. If you see HFCS you put the package down and pick another. You may find you can no longer buy your favorite brand, or your alternative is more expensive, but there is ALWAYS an alternative.

I agree that kind of lifestyle is very challenging. One solution is a slow cooker. Toss everything in before you go to work and it's piping hot and ready to eat when you come home.

Now that's some serious Florida-style mother-daughter bonding. Oh Florida, you never fail to disappoint.

No one forces you to eat HFCS or smoke cigarettes. It's a choice you make. Personal responsibility and all that junk.

Ultimately you are the sole regulator of what goes into your mouth. It's convenient to try and blame others but until one accepts full personal responsibility for their weight you don't stand a chance in hell of losing it.

While I can appreciate where you're coming from I really have to disagree. A healthy meal doesn't have to take 2 hours to cook, many can be done in 30 mins or less provided you do a few minutes of advanced planning. Hell, make it a family affair and get the kids involved too. Not only are you engaging in a family

It depends upon the model. Some plus-sized models are fat, some aren't. If you're referring to the specific model that was linked, she does not appear to be fat, but there is much of her body missing, so it's difficult to say without seeing the rest of her.