
It's a shame your eyes can't see body fat when they're staring right at them. Or do you really think this woman looks like that model? Cause if you do, damn, you need glasses.

Yeah, there's a reason I avoid Jezebel like the plague. Cause if you're male no matter what you say you're completely eviscerated.

Look at the thickness of her arm and thigh. These are not the appendages of a mildly overweight woman.

Sorry, she's obese. Call it whatever you want — "not skinny", "chubby", "plus sized", "curvy"... it doesn't matter. She's still fat. Take off your rosed-colored glasses, they're not doing you any favors. Whether I'm an idiot or not doesn't change the fact that she's grossly overweight.

It's a shame you don't understand that "chubby" and "plus sized" are merely euphemisms for "fat".

Not particularly helpful if she had lost her half of the ticket.

Yeah, about that GI bacteria study... you know how they resolved the problem? By cutting out the FATTY FOODS the bacteria thrived on. I know, right... cut back on fatty foods and you'll lose weight! Whodathunk?

It's really too bad they don't release this for other platforms.

Sigh... I miss the pre-90s DC Universe.

Well that's what's it's supposed to be. But apparently that's not how it works if you want the best credit score. Or did you not read the article?

Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but she IS fat. One look at that picture; one look at the size of her arms and legs is more than enough evidence to prove she's obese.

No, it was because my debt to credit ratio was considered too high (despite not being maxed out on any of my cards) and my income at the time was deemed too low (multiple banks insisted upon factoring in shelter expenses even though at the time I had none). Despite never having missed a single payment in over 7 years

Whether he was bad at his job or not wasn't the issue of this particular reply, is was how it's sad that a woman of her build is considered fat. Well, it's because she IS fat. We do not do one any favors by being polite and attempting to sugar coat the obvious when they are self-inflicted conditions. It's also not

Not all landlords require credit checks, and not all that do require pristine credit. Excellent references from past landlords often carry much more weight.

Actually, did YOU read it? Cause it plainly states those with 800 scores don't actually use their cards for much credit at all; "focus spending on the credit cards and pay off half or more of the balances every month", and "on average they use about 7 percent of their revolving credit, their oldest account is about 25

Um, maybe cause she is. What I find most disturbing about "where we are" is that we are now petrified about calling fat "fat", and have to disguise it by calling it something it isn't, like "curvy", or "big boned". No hon, you're not curvy, nor big boned, you're F-A-T, as in, a ridiculously high percentage of your

Or you can do what I do — simply not care what the score is. The only way you win the game is by not playing.

This thing looks really, really familiar. I don't think I had one; maybe one of the neighborhood kids did. Damn, I feel old.

Sorbothegeek, sadly, by the 34th word into this pedantic rant a grammatical error has been made. As one who loathes pedantry I have to say something or I'll slowly lose my ability to whine and complain on Internet discussion lists about people correcting grammatical mistakes and thinking anyone cares. I usually let

Next best thing? Try Aldi's.