
Nope. Don't care about mine or theirs.

Yeah, the idea being to use as much of the bird parts as humanly possible, taking all the little bits and pieces that often get thrown out and mashing them together into chicken balls that could be fried and eaten at virtually no extra cost.

Dunno, maybe cause I'm an old-timey WB and HB freak, but I really liked both of these and would definitely see a full-length feature.

Hmmm, maybe Santa swooped in at the last minute and gave him what he really deserved? It's really hard to get off that naughty list once you're on it. I know. For years I kept getting toy trains and dump trucks when what I really wanted was Barbie, Wonder Woman, and an Easy Bake Oven.

Guild Wars 2.

Well in a perfect world that would be true. But we don't live in a perfect world. There is nothing wrong with people of a common minority (gay) gathering together to enjoy a common interest (gaming). I know you think it's silly, but honestly, it's not about you, it's about us. Since I assume you're not gay you simply

Probably. Ask yourself why such things disturb you so much. Why do you think it's such a bad thing for like-minded people who share a common interest to have special events that cater to them?

The fact you feel the need to level criticism upon the homosexual community for wanting a gay-themed gaming convention is evidence that you're a homophobe.

The fact you actually thought it was a good idea to write this little homophobic rant only underscores why we need activities that cater to us — so we can enjoy ourselves without having to deal with people like you.

Equality does not mean homogeny. Just because we want all the same rights and privileges of straight people doesn't mean we want to be straight, identify as straight, or never ever want to partake in activities that cater to us.

Use a white fabric liner and toss it in with your whites with some bleach when it starts to get nasty.

Definitely a safe. You want to make sure it's completely protected, don't you?

Damned filmmakers. What's next? Movies with people that actually talk?!?!?!

Actually I think more people are going to be upset that Snyder's Superman is basically Nolan's Batman in a blue body suit and red cape. The reason Superman and Batman work well together is that they are polar opposites. Superman is not the dark, troubled, and brooding one.

Hey, they only have themselves to blame. Stop pulling this crap and people like me will gladly watch. We're the customers, they are supposed to cater to us. If they choose not to, well then I will simply go elsewhere for my entertainment.

And many critics felt the same way about talkies.

Anyone who thinks the current run of Wonder Woman is anything but utter garbage knows absolutely nothing about Wonder Woman.

And this is why I no longer watch new shows until they get to a second season (or at the very least, a full proper first season). I'm sick and tired of network execs having zero regard for the people that are actually watching their shows.

Because not all humans are alike. The thing that made you fat isn't necessarily the thing that made the subject of this study fat. Obesity is a complex issue with more than one cause, and consequently, more than one solution.

There are many alternatives to buying gifts that cost very little time. I have no problem re-gifting, provided it's not obvious (for example, buying yourself a new item and giving the old one away as a gift; sorry, but that's just tacky). If you have any culinary skills homemade sweets are a great gift that can cover