
I really wish there were viable alternatives for older machines. I have a number of them that I simply have no use for. I can't bring myself to throw them out because they are perfectly functional, but it's just not feasible to try and sell them.

If Apple has a NAS enclosure let's just stop with the charade and name it #1 right now. Cause we all know it's inevitable.

It's not about the dick, it's about the balls. When you have low-hangers or big ones, pulling your legs in together HURTS. So fuck you. I'm going going to crush my nuts for your benefit, no matter how much you want me to.

You're never to young to be a fattie.

Can we stop including Apple products in these shoot-outs? Cause all it seems to do is bring out the iPhanbois to vote them all #1, despite everyone knowing that's simply not the case.

You're either not a fan of sci-fi/fantasy or you didn't watch enough of whatever season you saw. You also have to remember that UK shows don't have the budgets of US shows so the effects will always be sub-par in comparison. But honestly I find that part of the charm, that it doesn't need million-pound effects to

Donna Noble was by far the best of Tennant's companians. BY FAR. I won't spoil it in case you do decide to go and watch it (and you should), but I cried like a baby at the end of her run.

Oh yes, but being compulsively pedantic is SO much better, right? It was a typo. It happens. Get over it.

Oh boy is this a loaded topic. Mostly because I feel we don't have concrete boundaries as to what makes a show a "superhero" show versus an "action" show. Wonder Woman and The Incredible Hulk were superhero shows. But I don't consider Arrow to be one. Smallville was borderline. Just because the characters of a show

It's so quaint that you think anyone cares.

Actually this is not the case. Sales of most books are now back to pre-52 levels, and many have been cancelled due to poor sales. It was stunt that earned them a one-time boost in income and a ton of ill will from upset fans. Guess which of those two is going to last longer.

Like pretty much everything that's changed in the New 52 it's all meaningless. Change for no good reason other than change. Superman looks stupid, Wonder Woman looks ridiculous, and there aren't enough tailors on the planet to maintain all the seams that Lee has added to EVERY SINGLE COSTUME ON EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER.

Still rocking my $99 TouchPad with CM9. It does everything I need a tablet to do so I see no point in upgrading to something newer and a lot more expensive.

Well put. Never thought of it that way, but spot on.

Oh I'm sure the CW will find some way of making it completely unwatchable. Like cast a short skinny naturally blonde girl with blue eyes and black dyed hair with giant tits and who can't act, write scripts on an 8-year old level to appeal to the 12-18 crowd with more plot holes than swiss cheese, toss in no costume

I was lamenting this exact thought earlier today. Unlike other forms of art or entertainment there is no way to "preserve" online games once they go dark. You are completely at the mercy of the company(s) that own the game, and when they turn it off it's likely to be off for good, and gone as if it never existed.

It's very odd because it's like nothing else in entertainment when an MMO shuts down and is just gone. It is a unique experience and difficult to explain the sense of loss to someone who has never experienced it.

I am at a loss for words. The game is gone. So many many years spent enjoying the world they created, and with the flip of a switch, it's all gone. Sad, yet maddening that it can all come to end just like the snap of a finger.

Would you like a cookie?

Great for a fan of Buffy or CofT, but it really sucks if you're a fan of Wonder Woman herself, cause, well, it ain't her anymore. If you like your WW to be like Xena Warrior Princess, with questionable morality, callous murdering, and a truly fucked up origin that spits on 70+ years of history, then this is your book.