
So basically all the plusses and none of the minuses of a real iCrap device. Sold!

OMG I had so many of the original dolls. They SO need to remake this series!

Better late than never I suppose. If I ever bought an iCrap device I'd feel like a chump from the second they swiped my card.

It's only been recently that I've considered tossing it, but it costs me less than $5 a month, so I continue to just roll with it...for now.

Pretty much this. Poor Jesus, it must be really hard being such a completely biased iPhanboi blogger.

Can we stop calling Rubio "young". He's in his 40s and appears to have already had a facelift. He ain't young, he's middle aged.

How about the iPad Nexus, since it's clearly a blatant ripoff of Google's device.

They've already said it's going to be very late in the day, so much so that it'll be tomorrow GMT when it hits.

It doesn't look anything like a Mac despite having a vaguely similar handle.

I absolutely agree. I don't understand why people feel it's necessary to make themselves accessible 24/7, especially for a job in which you're not paid to be on-call.

"...but we all buy in..."

Was one of them Steve Rogershowitz?

You should look into FODMAPS.

Anyone else notice that they're all monopolies to one degree or another? Hmm...

There is a lot of truth to this. Recent studies have shown those who were overweight by as little as 30 pounds require significantly less calories to maintain a normal weight than those that were never heavy. You simply will never be able to eat like you used to prior to gaining weight no matter how much you work out


How many millions of copies of Diablo III were sold? Just sayin'...

Sounds like you're on you way to a new line of modern-day "realistic" fairy tales for today's young girls :D

Did I miss the memo that stated all female protagonists needed to look like everywoman schlubs? What would be the point of an overweight (um, sorry, curvy...) mermaid with mousy brown hair? Or a geeky looking teenage girl with acne called Pimply White? It's fantasy; they aren't supposed to be real or even

We've already decided this Thanksgiving we're going old-school Italian — lasagna, baked ziti, pork braciole, meatballs & sausage in sauce, etc. Just like when I was a kid. Mmmhmm it's gonna be good!