
Steve Jobs. Everyone that uses an iCrap device has had their souls stolen and are dead on the inside.

Why? He's dead. It's not like he's able to care.

I have the Fractal Design Arc Midi and it's an awesome case, especially for the price ($60 on sale at Newegg).

Interesting coming from a guy who drew a cartoon depicting Steve Jobs murdering Andy with a dagger. Nah, no bias there...

OMG I know exactly how you feel, cause I feel the same when I see people misappropriate established character names as their own handles, thinking it makes them witty or special.


Josh, please post your Halloween costumes from the past 5 years so we can ridicule your choices, mmkay thx.

Welcome to Gizmodo. You must be new here.

Mascara + Gizmodo Apple-flavored Kool-Aid.

Well, this is Gizmodo, so of course every non-Apple device is going to be a letdown. Duh.

Sigh... I miss Wonder Woman. :(

Clink the link to the original article and it's correct there.

I wonder how Scalia feels about banging French hookers?

It works when you stop being pedantic.

Well I can tell you what they're NOT for...shining into pilots' eyes.

Back when I worked with Macs we used to call the PRAM reset combo (command+option+P+R) the "Vulcan neck pinch".

FINALLY! Something to do with my old hula hoops.

Yup, TWC is horrible. Crappy service, horrible pricing, nickle and diming you to death. But when you have absolutely no viable alternatives wth do you do?

Yeahhhh, but no. I don't go to the movies anymore because 1.) the movies themselves suck, 2.) concession prices are astronomical, 3.) the movie-going "experience" has sufficiently degraded to the point where it's become the equivalent of spending the evening at a junior prom, and 4.) ticket prices.

And you don't think the Republicants are doing the exact same thing?