
It's interesting to note that one of the reasons the later seasons of Voyager and all of Enterprise were utter trash is because they didn't adhere to the message affirmed here by Moore and Dorn. One of the things that made Battlestar Galactica so great was that it was drama wrapped in science fiction, not the other

Great, now I have a craving for polpo salad...

WTF man??? Steve Jobs was biggest sociopathic douchebag charlatan thief of the 20th century! And all he gets is a corner???

Actually I'm having issues with the rampant surgery trends, and the denials only makes it that much worse. It's not just actresses anymore, even actors are now getting their noses shaved off. It's ridiculous. It's getting harder and harder to find an actress or actor who HASN'T had a nose job.

While the phone version will indeed work on a tablet, it doesn't work very well, at least not on my CM9 Touchpad.

One doesn't have to look very far on Gizmodo to see Steve's reality distortion field at work each and every day. Or do you not have any contact with Jesus?

Or you buy a cheap low end nVidia card on eBay to pair with your amazing Radeon card and tell you and nVidia to go fuck themselves. Problem solved.

We're also overdoing it, and I blame the household chemical industry. In their relentless pursuit in trying to get us to buy their cleaners and detergents by portraying normal household bacteria as something akin to ebola they've managed to brainwash millions upon millions into being terrified about germs, bacteria,

I wonder if Jesus has put one on order yet.

The really sad part is that these costumes are 10x better than what Jim Lee created for the New 52. And considering that DC's animation department has a far better grasp of these characters than Lee and Didio, hells yeah I'd be all for it. But I guess if you throw out all the New 52 bullshit then I guess it really

Hear hear! I have a day or two left on my "come back to WoW for a week" free trial and I plan to spend at least a few hours playing a panda just to be able to compare it to GW2. I suspect my experience is going to be identical to yours.

Hi Vanessa! I've recently moved into a fairly small one bedroom apartment a few months ago and I'm still living out of boxes and in complete disarray. I have non-existent organizational skills and even less space design sense and I'm at a total loss. It also doesn't help that I have pretty crappy mismatched furniture,

I bet his parents are so proud!

Hussy. Tart. Trollop. Strumpet. Harlot.

OMG it's Ursula the Sea Witch!!! Run, before she steals your voice!!!

My standard trick is to toss in food that is notoriously bland without salt, such as rice, vegetables, pasta, and unprocessed meats. Of course this doesn't work for baked goods, but I've found things like unsalted nuts and bittersweet/unsalted chocolate can help there.

This only further illustrates the harm done to legitimate businesses by the meddling hand of big government. I mean, think of all those hard working businesses owners who built that shit all on their own who went out of business cause the nanny state decided it was bad to poison people. They are the job creators after

Oh well that's much better then. I'd rather have cyanide than arsenic any day. Arsenic is for pussies. Real men eat cyanide.

No, you're not the only one.

Oh God.. oh God... OH GODDDDDD... [nerdgasm] /lights cigarette