
FIFY Danny

Or unarmed black child (never for get that Tamir was 12 years-old)

Steven Moffat - millions of great ideas, millions of terrible ideas, little to no ability to tell the two apart.

First of all, it’s only a tell-all in that I go through and recant some of the beautiful nuances of our lives

Edith Wilson: managed to convince the country her husband Woodrow was fine despite being paralyzed down half his body from a stroke, and then proceeded to be the defacto President for the remaining 18 months of his term.

WHY hasn’t a movie been made about her?

Taylor, or Swift?

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Moffat is tone deaf. I doubt anyone in their right mind has a legitimate grievance with the Doctor being a woman.

“I’m so bereft of true imagination that I can’t see a woman in the role, nor can I invent a compelling reason why I didn’t hire a woman.”

Even the most progressive Sci-fi has its right wing fascist fans, I mean look at Star Trek. Never seen so many people not get the point of a show.

I really hope her tenure is a Golden Age for DW, if for no other reason than it’ll be a giant “fuck you” to DW-watching misogynists. And I say that as someone who’s majorly sad Capaldi is leaving.

I keep waiting for a funny comment to show up here or in my head, but I honestly feel like this thing’s so fucking awful, every joke curdles in my mouth.

That’s a completely specious comparison. The only way in which the two are alike is party-line voting. The ACA, regardless of what you think of it, was presented as an actual honest-to-god piece of legislation that included panels, revisions, extended periods to debate and discuss measures, and a modicum of

The ACA had 8 months of hearings, meetings, and committee reviews. It was scored by the CBO. There were 79 roll-call votes, 44 public hearings, and 160 GOP amendments introduced before the final bill was passed with a supermajority that could invoke cloture and end a filibuster. This bill is being crammed through in a

The ACA was subject to 47 public hearings and roundtables before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and another 53 before the Senate Finance Committee. It underwent a monthlong marking up in the bipartisan HELP Committee before being brought to the floor for a vote. There, it was debated for 25

Fuck the people who are doing this. Fuck everyone who is enabling them, and fuck everyone who has allowed it to happen through their own inaction or hand-wringing over emails and speeches. This was all avoidable. This didn’t have to be our reality. Fucking vote in 2018. Vote in 2020. Vote in 2022, Vote in 2024. If

“But that was in another country, and besides, the wench is dead.”

Nancy McNally should be his Chief of Staff.

I don’t know, is America ready for the idea of a black President?

“There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for doing the things I would still be doing if those reports hadn’t come out.”

I for one will not be watching The Phantom Thread. I’m sick of Luxembourgian actors getting roles at the expense of Liechtensteiners.