
something something on both sides something

Kinda surprised that wasn’t a part of his platform, tbh.

Any stick to beat a horse, but I don’t trust Jeff Sessions any further than I can throw him. It seems likely to me that the hard work and heavy lifting was done prior to 2016 and it’s just bearing fruit not. ‘Cause I don’t believe a man who was too racist for a federal judgeship in the 80's is running around here

I thought the zombies had already taken over the White House.

Latin, along with Greek, is incredibly useful for people going into science or medicine.

I think this may be one of the oddest comments I have ever seen. Since when is this an issue? Millions of schoolchildren are being deprived of useful knowledge because they are forced to attend hours of Latin lessons every day? The U.S. could finally achieve a truly multilingual culture if only the Latin fascists

Teaching Latin generally provides a strong foundation for becoming multilingual, because it’s an effective way to teach grammatical concepts, roots, and inflection. We already primarily teach Spanish (and French) in public schools, which is why the standard of bilingualism in the US tends to be a fraction of

/does whatever-the-opposite-of like and subscribe is

Look, I hate Logan Paul as much as the next person, so I’d also like to know when this will happen.

how about a documentary about how dang hard he’s made this year for us?  where’s our documentary?

To those two racist, cancerous blobs of right wing excrement that commented on your post: tigershypoersexdrive and Big Ole Cracker, you pieces of shits will be first on the chopping block. Heads on pikes, entrails dragged through the mud. Fascist scum, your time has come.

“If you see Ivanka on the street, first, call her Tiffany. This will devastate her.”

Also, wtf is up with people in North Carolina caring so much about who uses what bathroom? These motherfuckers have some serious issues.

im embarrassed for this country. 

Not only are the 2,000+ kids awaiting reunion still locked up, the new policy is family detention in internment camps for indefinite time periods. The old policy Trump dubbed ‘catch and release’ that supervised people in the community, including ankle monitors for adults, was over 99% effective at getting people to


This is the No True Scotsman fallacy. You’re arbitrarily grouping together a bunch of people (who may or may not actually exist) and declaring them “fake” liberals because they do something you don’t agree with. You are not the gatekeeper of who qualifies as a liberal.

Except they’re not amateur filmmakers and they aren’t proposing a fan film. The bar for filmmaker is making a film. They apparently have never done that.

David Simon is one of the main reasons I’m still on Twitter. He’s very, very skilled at cutting down lesser minds.

You may be a smugly magnanimous, self satisfied internet twerp, but there is also something hilariously pathetic about your constant need for whistle-blowing and virtue signaling in the comments section of an entertainment website.