
Daddy’s still not going to love you best, Donny Jr.

Sarah Palin was the thing that caused my dad to break with the Republican Party. Compared to Obama, a proud know-nothing and the craven candidate who picked her was the greater evil. He never went back - my family was one of few I knew last year to celebrate a Thanksgiving without a political fight over the election.



It was genteel masturbation.

I bet those women were organized by the same guys who went 4 decades back in time to get 2 Hawaii newspapers, a hospital and a government agency to fake up birth documents and announcements for Obama and hide where he was REALLY born!

He’s never going to get to OT-7 level with that hanging over his head.

Man, I thought the evil step(half)sister trope was just fiction.

I feel Michael Keaton should be in every movie set in a newsroom but Tom Hanks is OK, I guess.

Ritchie also at least recognized when he’d been outgunned, as evidenced in the post-debate with Bartlet, when he told him, as they shook hands, “It’s over.” Trump would never in a million years recognize anyone doing something better than him, let alone a woman.

Every time I see him I think of poor Wallace. His end just *gutted* me. My husband and I had to pause the episode and just sit there for a good 10 minutes, stunned.

Her total silence and hard stare while “Jaime Phillips” squirms and um-uhs her way through a sentence is like a masterclass in interrogation.

You come at the Baron, you best not miss.

Watching a couple episodes of Parks and Rec can *literally* make my terrible day better. I have yet to find another show that can lift my mood and, even in the depths of deep-seated anger, make me laugh aloud. Right after the election last year, I was in such a funk I couldn’t even watch The West Wing (my other

OMG, that sounds perfect. I mainlined all four seasons of GBBS available on Netflix (why aren’t there more???) so now I need another fix.

Gotcha. Thanks! I use a blender. But why does the effectiveness of the food dissipate over time? I usually make more than I can drink in one go, so I put the blender in the fridge for tomorrow’s smoothie and give it a quick whirl to mix it back up.

The Great British Baking Show is the best show for relaxing before I go to sleep. I’m in the media, so all day I read about all the different ways people act like garbage, and how our politicians are making it worse. I go home still enraged. But before bed, I watch a couple cute dog videos, a couple eps of British

I do this too, and throw in a big handful of kale or spinach for the veg, and banana, apple, strawberry, Greek yogurt and almond butter (for the protein). I’ve wondered, though, if the health benefits are greatly reduced because the food is already pulverized. I know it’s better to eat those things whole for the sake

I think she looks like she kidnaps Dalmatians.

I bought a copy of Ratatouille specifically to show my nieces in hopes of getting them to 1. appreciate Ratatouille, and 2. expand their food horizons to encompass more than white foods. It didn’t work, and the younger one was freaked out by the rats. Maybe I should wait a few years and try again...