
If you use a blender (I use a Ninja), you’re getting all the benefits as if you ate them whole. Pulverizing does nothing if you drink it right away. If you let it sit, though, then the effectiveness of the smoothie dissipates.

Remember that one time The Alt-Right’s subsidiary, the MRAs, brought down The Force Awakens?

William Faulkner is that you?

Well Jim Beam should be scared. The GOP has annihilated corporations across America with their boycotts. Take a look at the list of recent victims of their targets, mere husks of their former selves.

What the fuck does Spencer have to be angry about anyway? Other than being an idiot which is his own fault. This is what I don’t get about these guys. Nobody is taking anything from you, not your jobs, not your guns, not your country. Just go be a fucking moron and leave the rest of us in peace. Cause when you crawl

It’s interesting that maybe half of these characters are elected to the office under normal (not post-apocalypse) conditions.

Good. And wow already the kinja-dipshits have arrived bitching about Avclub trying to do the right thing, like omg so lame I kno. Fuck off dipshits, if places like the AVClub hadn’t done anything you would’ve been whiny dipshits like you already are.

Veep actually gave us two women presidents more qualified than Trump: Selena and Laura Montez; the latter’s victory would really stick in that fuckwit’s craw.

You could just walk outside. And the first 13 women you see would be better Presidents than Donald Trump.

So, I’m trying to look at some positives here and know that those people are with the Lord now and experiencing eternity and no more suffering, no more sadness anymore.

Someone explain to me how his insistence on eating well done steaks doesn’t constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.

There is nothing more american than a healthy disrespect for the president.

I know it’s a tough word, but it’s spelled ‘wave’. Why is it that people who get offended by other languages are usually so incompetent with their own?

I hope so. I am, exactly like her, a real American and I love her. Let this become the new typical.

It’s less about the act and more about the fact that it wasn’t part of the script, and the ONLY reason Duffers added it in was BECAUSE it made Sink uncomfortable. That’s an asshole move, no matter what. Why does that matter? Because we, as a society, need to stop making excuses and letting people get away with acting

Not many of them are about Asian-Americans though. Asian movies by Asians in Asia? Sure. But Asian-American experience? You have, ABC’s Fresh off the Boat (which is pretty damn good), and.... ?

Plus then we wouldn’t have the always-delightful Constance Wu as the lead. That would be tragic.

Having to wait two months for another episode is how I know we’re in The Bad Place.

“For example, most of human history” is an excellent sentence for almost any conversation.