
I do like that Kellyanne Conway understands that the scariest thing she can be for Halloween is herself.

“Sorry, you ate my cat.” Dustin after one-timing D’art into the basement

I’d say go ahead and see them - they’re the only Marvel movies that I think are good movies in their own right (especially Civil War). And, yes, I love the contrast between the Evans roles in Captain America and Snowpiercer.

“I Tought I Saw a Puddin’ Vat” is the height of comedy, and Megan Amram should get a Kennedy Center arts award just for that pun alone.

Hush and finish your frozen yogurt before it melts.

The Library is the last place where you can write and print things for free or almost free. And that’s important if you are poor and can’t afford to own a computer or a printer.

I saw this somewhere recently but someone posited that if the concept of libraries were only recently created in today’s world, they’d be branded “socialist indoctrination centers”

Walker ended up saying a few really shitty things about libraries (both public and school), as well as teachers. He has since admitted he was wrong, which is nice to see these days. But he’s still a fucking moron.

That line”Not because I was born here, but because I was made here” I don’t know if it’s the two gravities I took or what but that is so beautiful.

GOP 2017: Occasionally one of us shows a glimmer of being a sentient human.

Yeah, it’s kind of like how Dick Cheney kinda sorta found his conscience on gay rights once he found out he had a lesbian daughter. Conservatives only recognize wide-ranging systemic abuses when they’re personally affected by the abuse.

Megyn Kelly looked the other way at constant sexual harrassment and abuse for 13

Coincidentally, just yesterday, I heard the Trolley Problem (with the bridge iteration) used as an analogy to talk about how autonomous vehicles and other AI will be programmed for real-world situations. The takeaway: self-driving vehicles won’t be taught robot ethics, they’ll be trained and programmed on the basis

But it doesn’t matter about his “kind of” humor. In this case, his “kind of” humor was flat out, no possible way to disagree about it, racist.

Yessss, I love telling minorities how they should feel about racism. Now tell me that my getting upset at being called a fag while walking on the street is overblown now too.

If I meet someone for the first time at a hotel bar and they try a character out on me that’s ironically racist or sexist of homophobic, how am I supposed to know that? The irony requires knowledge of the person, knowledge that I do not have. So all the “irony” and “humor” is lost, and all that remains is deeply

I totally agree with this. I believe every word that Cross says here, it makes perfect sense. It is also totally offensive in the context that it happened, so he still should be apologizing for coming off as a racist, not simply explaining it away and insisting he isn’t racist. The recipient is the one who was

And there you have the problem with “ironic racism.” You may be intending to make fun of “actual racists,” but to the person on the receiving end of your comments, it can be no different than if they’d gotten those same comments from an actual redneck. I mean, honestly, what is the difference? Whether you’re mocking

Not the issue. The issue is that the least intelligent, least qualified, least mature, least honest man to ever hold the office, Trump, tried to make hay on the issue and was lying yet again.

If you want to understand this response from Trump, there’s one key piece of information you need to know: the soldier was black.

Yup, Hemsworth can be very, very funny. He was pretty good in Rush as well, opposite Daniel Bhrul (Baron Zemo).