
We used to call these people Assholes

Franchise. Economic solidarity. The moral high ground. The point your ignorant ass can’t seem to get is that poor whites that owned land and tenant farmers were competing directly against the plantation in a free market - they had no economic incentive to fight for the South. The other point your ignorant ass doesn’t

A table:

I can’t be the only one thinking it.

Disrespect our flag and our country and this is how we’ll react.”

If young godless voters don’t turn out in the mid-term elections I am going to fucking scream. STOP LETTING THESE OLD ASS HYPOCRITICAL FUCKERS DECIDE OUR FUTURE.

Germany has plenty of monuments to WWII, including concentration camps that have been converted into museums. They don’t have statues of Hitler or Goebbels hanging up, or streets named after them. They don’t have military bases named after prominent Nazi generals. That the same cannot be said of America and the

So don’t reason. Do what the right has done so successfully and bully your opponents. Mock them. Call them special snowflake babies who hate free speech and need participation trophies. Call them the worst thing you can be in America, which is a wimp and an unsuccessful loser. The right gets everything it wants, not

They’re not nazis because they want to honor the Confederacy. They want to honor the Confederacy because they’re nazis. All that “Blood and soil” funny business was kind of a tell.

Saying your ancestor couldn’t afford slaves but fought for the institution of slavery just proves they were racist AND stupid.

You seem to have misread the sentence. “Getting a pass” means “getting a pass on his family’s history with the confederacy” not “getting a pass on owning slaves”
And as was pointed out in the John Oliver piece, his family owning/not owning slaves wasn’t the point. The fact that he’s defending a movement dedicated to

i think the guy who did the A-Team theme also did Tales from the Gold Monkey and Magnum P.I.. Get that guy a medal.

Really? I absolutely love this show.

Victimless until you take into account its production and trade. Cocaine was basically the almond milk of the eighties.

Agreed. For the “Who died and left Plato in charge of ethics.”

This is why I’m still here, despite it all. Because the AV Club is the only place where this sentence can exist.

Respectfully disagree, Mr. Vag

I was so obsessed with the food puns that I made up a list of like 20-25 of my own the other day. NO REGRETS!

*thoughts and purrs*

Okay, glad you’re qualified to speak on behalf of the dead.