
hiring women isn’t a problem tbh, as long as they can produce quality content

the fact that you said “as long as they produce quality content” gives me the sneaking suspicion that you assume women couldn’t as a baseline

Here’s my reply:

Either that or when Eliza says she started the orphanage in Hamilton’s honor. Those two parts got me good :’(

Aside from that death, Burn, and subsequent everything, the line that gets to me most is “I stop wasting time on tears, I live another 50 years.”

I just want people to not go too far with this idea that he’s made a turn. The man has only ever been out for himself and will climb into bed with anyone he thinks will help fulfill his need for adulation. He’s going to turn again and again and again, so the people who’re thinking he’s on board with DACA now need to

“Kill. Kill. Kill.”

the clown only one was great. tons of parking available.

This asshole got banned from a Logan Square bar for being too creepy. If you’re so disgusting towards women that you get banned from at least one, possibly more, shitty hipster bar in Logan then get the fuck out of Chicago forever. There are stories after stories after stories, with proof, on Facebook and Twitter

Hi Eric Barry, thanks for stopping by!

Yeah, I don’t know who he is, but one look at that getup coming at me, and I know all I need to.

If NYC doesn’t get you Eric, Boston is preemptively saying “keep movin’, chief.”

Looks like the Gawker-esque format change has liberated the AV Club writers into getting out their personal burn books. Speaking as someone here for the rage and chaos, I approve.

He’s from San Francisco, he’s moving to New York, and Chicago is somehow too expensive for him. Does this fool know how to count?

I hope this dude gets chased out of city after city until he’s reduced to fleeing a Carpathian village after telling an ornery goose he doesn’t want to have sex with it.

To North Dakota of all places...

Just looking at the scene for what’s there, it’s not pointless at all. That was the face of the man who raped her, if not the man himself, so it doesn’t surprise me that she covered it with her hands. It was an extremely vulnerable, uncomfortable scene, as it should have been and illuminated Diane’s psychology

I’m sorry you don’t like it. A lot of us think it’s just great. Not every episode is amazing by my metric, but the overall ride has been fantastic.