Everyone once in a while I’ll read an article about Remini and her anti-Scientology campaign and I’ll catch myself thinking “move on from this already,” but then I remember that the people behind Scientology are fucking evil and ruin peoples’ lives and I think - actually Leah, continue to fuck their shit up and don’t…
Korean celebrities, especially but not exclusively female ones, are expected to project sexual availability while also insisting on total virginity and singlehood; it’s only in the last few years that a pop star can even talk to another celebrity or be too close to someone of the opposite sex without scandal ensuing.…
This was my first thought reading this! Your comment needs more stars.
I haaaaaate the over saturation of the word ‘badass’, especially in white feminist circles. It’s just so embarrassing at this point. And yes, it’s as terrible as ‘bad boy’ for literally any profession.
Tom died in a car accident and wouldn’t you know, Kate received a heart transplant. The heart was Tom’s. Last Christmas, he gave her his heart.
Wu was the lead in Crazy Rich Asians and one of the ensemble in Hustlers. She’s already ahead of David Caruso. People always compare stars who want to leave tv shows to failures like Caruso but don’t point to conspicuous successes like George Clooney, who left ER at its commercial height in order to launch a movie…
I read this as “dating an 18 year old at 25 pounds”. It took me a few (and reading a few more posts) before I scrolled back up to re-read and validate she in fact doesn’t weigh 25 pounds.
This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.
Yep, because Europeans have never ever done anything bad to people of color ever
Already knew this was going to be here:
The core problem is this: It doesn’t matter how detailed, how much care she took, or anything else: Livanart is still treating race as a costume. Race is not an accessory or costume that can simply be taken off at the end of the day.
I mean, he is an addict. At least he is trying to get help now.
Imagine thinking teenagers don’t know about horny memes
Oh the kids definitely know where it comes from lolol
Police exist to protect the interests of the upper class and oppress poor people and anyone who signs up for that is open to judgment. And maybe if we had an actual safety net and funded, I don’t know, mental health workers instead, we wouldn’t need cops to do a million different things every day (that they are not…
Anyone associated with Live PD is trash.
Lizzo was punching down, and that's tragic for someone making $10 an hour. People who treat service workers like shit are irredeemable pieces of shit now and forever.
I do this as well but it’s because my dogs are assholes and I don’t want the delivery person to think that they’re going to be mauled to death by two stupid labs.
This, plus the fact that this is now the second apartment complex I’ve lived in with a weird layout and dodgy building numbering. I frequently go stand curbside to wave down the driver.