Once, working as a cashier, I was actually reprimanded for accepting a $2 bill. Supervisor did not care it was legal tender. Still blows my mind.
Once, working as a cashier, I was actually reprimanded for accepting a $2 bill. Supervisor did not care it was legal tender. Still blows my mind.
Riz Ahmed! Mac DeMarco!
I hate that this kid is being set up to be exploited before he finishes middle school. Where are the academic scholarships for kids in middle school? No where because no one is paying a fucking dime to see anyone study.
But why are we talking about his mustache when his “beard” is the one struggling to come together?
Lawrence’s character arc is so good.
I have had two people in my life with brain tumors, so as much as I dislike McCain’s politics (seriously, he talks a more-centrist game yet votes the fucking party line almost every damn time - be honest that you’re licking the GOP’s boots, man), I had sympathy for him and his family. Brain tumors are horrifying, and…
McCain repeatedly voted against Civil Rights policy, and most importantly the Martin Luther King Jr holiday in the 80’s and 90’s. He even supported removing the MLK holiday in his home state of Arizona. (Public Enemy even made a song about it).
A woman Bond would be fine, although I’d prefer a prominent woman 00[insert #] agent who could show up in a Bond film as co-lead and become the basis for a true Bond spin-off series of films centered on her. Have they ever tried a Bond spin-off series before?
FACT CHECK no Mission Impossible sequel can be unnecessary because they are all extremely awesome
Justin TruSnow
It does not behoove HBO’s brand or business to air something even close to the alt-right porn that people have already decided that this will be.
“It’s just a little premature. You know, we might f— it up. But we haven’t yet.”
I knew Lena was gonna lose but still sad to see that she did. It’s the only time I’ve ever rooted for the girl.
Yep - here’s that story.
I would bet that being one of Donald’s kids is a really shitty experience. Jr. should realize that he can always cut ties with the family and go be a decent person. He should volunteer at a wildlife refuge in Africa; he’d probably be a lot happier for it.
For the anti-Sanders people, quit fighting a war on two fronts. You are still trying to take on Sanders and Trump. The 2016 primary elections are over. The more you rip on Sanders, the less likely his people are going to be on your side moving forward. Sanders people have far more in common politically with the…
First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.
Black cop shoots white woman?