The guy who ran it has a history of being shitty to women and people of color, but his fans ignore this because they like to read milquetoast stories about some douchey waiter.
The guy who ran it has a history of being shitty to women and people of color, but his fans ignore this because they like to read milquetoast stories about some douchey waiter.
*eyebrow raises*
They have latched onto him. The Free Press Summer Fest here in Houston booked him to perform a few years ago. There was an outcry, but the trust fund douchebag who ran it at the time, Omar Afra, didn’t give a shit. He promised to have a meeting with women’s groups but that was nothing than a pr stunt because he…
My (non) favorite is clap-back, which can alternatively mean that a person gives a really witty and cutting remark OR someone just explains something in what seems a totally neutral, helpful way.
I know how to definitively settle the issue of whether he is black or not. He goes up to a cop at 2am to ask if they know the time or if they have a light for a cigarette and if they shoot him dead like a dog, then he is black.
The Dark Knight is one of the greatest films of its decade.
see also; “iconic”, “flawless” & “slays”
“But still, the more cynical side of me says this constant slamming is all by design on Winter’s part. No celebrity is contractually obligated to respond to media reports about anything (as far as I know), but Winter appears to have discovered that a foolproof way of staying in the public eye is to respond to everyth…
That’s because it has to convey just how “epic” it is.
She really did. She’s great in this movie too! I kinda wish it were a series.
I am super excited about this! I was just thinking that I hadn’t heard much from Jessica Williams lately, and I am happy it was because she had this going on!
My favorite part is when she goes, FREEDOM!
If a POC says something about race, and a white person isn’t there to correct them, are they still wrong?
If the article was contained with vs like Taylor Swift vs Gal Gadot. I would see your point and that wouldn’t be cool. But all of these are people who did racist things. Like we’re not allowed to make fun of neo nazis and kkk members? Does not compute.
“The shooting of a white Australian is likely to provoke a very different public and police response than the many, many killings of unarmed black Americans by police in the last few years.”
Have you ever been to either of those sites? What kind of articles do you think they’ve been posting for the last eight years? Constructive criticism? Good God. But by all means please continue being “that guy”.
Body cams that can be turned off by the wearer are pretty fucking pointless.
Because “teen week” is navel-gazing privileged nonsense and we don’t care
For a minute I thought I was reading a pitch for My Best Friend’s Wedding, until I got to the part where you haven’t even graduated college yet, and then I realized I’d been reading something incredibly dumb.