It’s the WWE version of TNA’s version of Pharoahe Monch’s Godzilla-sampled “Simon Says” instrumental
It’s the WWE version of TNA’s version of Pharoahe Monch’s Godzilla-sampled “Simon Says” instrumental
Miles Morales as the lead would’ve not only been a great move to show that Marvel is taking diversity seriously, but it also would’ve solved the “third Peter Parker in recent memory” problem. Peter Parker is a played-out character regardless of his race or ethnicity. So it’s both bad optics and bad creatively to keep…
I was reading about the girl from the University of Alabama who committed suicide after being raped and threatened by law enforcement. Apparently Alabama still has a rape law that says victims have to “earnestly resist the sexual act,” so the cops didn’t believe her because she didn’t hit him. It’s just scary that…
I hope it will be a different outcome but know it wont be. The fact that the jurors squabbled over what consent meant knowing that she was unconscious just proved that rape culture is alive and well.
Every time I see his picture pop up in the news I immediately think that he died.
girl i was just about to loop you in cuz i’m over here sweatin these folks
So you took this article about how media overlooks black and brown women in romantic leads and took that as a hatred of interracial relationships and biracial people... okay?
What is the underlying hatred about biracial people? That somewhere in that blood is some Black or Brown and that’s wrong. That’s what the hatred is. It is hatred of Black and Brown peoples dirtying up the pure bloodlines. Your take is reductionary. Biracial people aren’t the only people being discriminated against,…
Every Austin Rivers mention should automatically include the Blake Griffin impersonation.
It sounds more like he’s wrong because he didn’t bother to research the subject in any meaningful way before hand...but then I read the article so what do I know.
Even if what he said was remotely supportive (it wasn’t it was just an answer on how he learned to play gay) nobody is obligated to accept your fucking support.
Saying, “I’m not attracted men in any way but I feel I’m gay since I watched a lot of RuPaul’s Drag Race” is NOT supportive.
*famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect way that is emblematic of a much larger problem: which is that white, cis, straight people refuse to recognize the spectrum, influence, and importance of queer history and culture.
As a 49er fan, I was beyond disappointed in that comment from Lynch. Players do things to benefit the communities they come from all the time. They literally show spots during games of guys playing at the boys and girls club, etc. So insinuating that a player has less than total commitment to his job just because he…
Is this most important to you?
She went to Clemson, was a Tea Party darling, and a horrible Governor so it’s just you. Or not me. Something like that.
Agreed. It’s pretty clearly trafficing in an anti-semitic stereotype. I’m amazed at how many outlets are framing this as “Some people say Jay-Z is being anti-semitic” instead of “People are calling out Jay-Z’s anti-semitism.” It’s telling to me that Russell Simmons, in defending Jay-Z’s comment, had to change what…
I just read the full lyrics to the song. Sounds pretty straightforward in its anti-Semitic stereotyping of Jews. He’s essentially saying: be smart with your money, like those Jews (who “own” everything).
Exactly. Implicit bias is always present. In high stress situations, these implicit biases only serve to compound the hate, rage, and fear. It’s the same reason pigs “fear for their life” and shoot black motorists within seconds. It’s the same exact reason. We as black people have to walk on eggshells and be 110%…