
Her exclusion might have more to do with Arquette having spent her last few years in Hollywood trying to burn the place down, attacking other artists and trying to out them (even when they’re not gay.) I’m not exactly surprised the town wasn’t fond of her.

They could have eliminated that idiot Justin Timberlake song & dance number that went on FOREVER at the beginning and had room for all the people who had passed away.

Holy cow, I can’t believe that mix up for Best Picture.

What in the actual fuck just happened?!

Are you having a stroke?

One or two of these are just guys with their hair parted?

He dresses like a 1960's British professor. Probably thinks it makes him look like an intellectual.


I’ve asked this before, but when did it become no longer a thing where Nazis are the definitive bad buys? I mean I grew up watching Indiana Jones & Captain America punch Nazis in the face and everyone cheered. How is this a thing?

My response is always the same: Everyone gets to voice an opinion. You don’t have to like it. It’s called a democracy. Get used to it.

Hack is far too kind a description for Keemstar. He is the lowest form of pond bottom sucking parasites on Youtube who’s entire business is built upon the misfortune or casuing misfortune on others.

I’ve made my feelings on Pewd’s earlier jokes (the bits that got him into hot water, anyhow) abundantly clear, so I’ll leave that alone for now.

What I will say about this current kerfuffle is this: If you truly believe that your friends have to back you, 100% of the time, irrespective of whether you happen to be right

Rational thought and logic on Youtube? No wonder there was a backlash by Youtube commenters. As for the media: it looks like they reported on the incident, and businesses made their own decisions. Obviously Disney is not going to support someone that hires people to hold up antisemitic signs, even if it’s a joke.

“But it’s always been a learning and growing experience for me...this whole situation has definitely been that for me. It’s something that I’m going to keep in mind going forward.”

Well, I certainly hope so. But it seems that every time he’s at the center of a controversy, he gets more defensive than introspective, as

“Pewdiepie pointed out that in snippet of footage, he was asking his fans to stop using Swastikas,”

Maybe you should have thought about those hundreds of people that worked on your show before you started cracking “death to all Jews” jokes, Pewds.

Yes. And the reason for that emphatic “Yes” is the fact that to him its just ‘some jokes that you disagree with’.

Blame the media and still try to cast yourself as the victim.

This isn’t Karlie’s first fuck up. She wore a war bonnet in a VS show and had to apologize for that too. At a certain point, it becomes clear whether a person has an internal compass for racial sensitivity or not. With Karlie, well meaning though she may be, I’m leaning toward “or not.” It’s not exactly surprising.